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In the morning, Blaine got out of bed and was escorted by his normal guard to the cafeteria. He pulled out a chair and sat down at his usual table in the far corner. Turning away from other inmates that Blaine knew were whispering about him, he dug into the bowl of bland oatmeal and sipped his orange juice. Just another day in the never-ending jail sentence.

Today, as Blaine stared glassy-eyed at his breakfast, he remembered his trial. At the time, he had been so pained that he hadn't even really taken in any information. It was like his entire system of being had been shut down. But now he recalled a few of the memories at the courthouse.


"Blaine Anderson-Hummel is called to the stand," the voice from the judge's place said. Blaine numbly staggered to the front of the room, and he looked at the judge's face for the first time. He nearly gasped.

David Karofsky.

As David read from his papers, Blaine barely heard anything. His ears filled with a roaring sound as he came to the sudden realization.

Karofsky had been the shadow behind the statue.

Karofsky had killed Kurt.

Yet here Karofsky was, the judge present for the case. How had David, the bully who had tortured the Glee Club for years, become a judge, at the age of 21 no less? And why had he killed Kurt?

Blaine knew that Kurt and Dave had settled things. He remembered Kurt telling him about how his former torturer had apologized, and how Kurt had blushed as he had informed Blaine that David had proclaimed his love for him and asked him out.

Oh. Kurt had turned him down.

Karofsky had probably still felt the pain of the rejection years later, and Blaine realized that Dave had probably killed Kurt after he had found out that they had gotten married.

All of this worked its way through Blaine's mind as David droned on. He vaguely heard him as Dave informed the jury of the quote-unquote "facts", how Blaine had allegedly shot Kurt in the park, then run away to hide in the river. His brain barely processed the prosecution lawyer making a very strong case against him. Blaine's ears still buzzed as the forensic team discussed how no body had been recovered, but Kurt's blood and hair on the sidewalk proved that Blaine had shot him, then hidden his body before diving into the river.

It was all untrue, of course. Because the man who had killed Kurt was up there in the robes, holding a gavel in his meaty fingers.

Blaine was dragged out of the courthouse as the decision was made. He had received a life sentence for first-degree murder, but honestly, Blaine was too numbed by Kurt's death to even care.


The day rolled on, with the normal athletic drills, trash collecting, and what the jailers liked to call "Quiet Time." Pretty soon, Blaine was back in his cell again, crying his usual nighttime cry and wondering for the millionth time how much longer he could stand life without Kurt. Slowly, he slipped into a restless sleep.

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