Hell In A Cell

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Bonney POV(whole chapter)
Today is hell in a cell and today Shane faces Dean Ambrose.

In Bedroom
6 :00 am
I wake Shane up and as he goes to shower I think to my self
Aj always wanted a match in hell in a cell. This year he would have had one... My thoughts are interrupted by Shane's arms that wrap me from behide.
Hey you Ok Bonney ?
I noddes
He turns me around.
And gives me a kiss
Came Bonney let's go Dean that Shane is still Best.
I smile

At the Arena
Dean is the ring and Shane enters . the cage is locked. I sit at the annourcers table

Towards the End
Shane and Dean managed to get out of ring . Dean Has Shane up for Dirty Deeds . But he gets up and DDTs him the our table!!
Shane starts climb the cage.
He reaches the top.
No Shane DONT Do it !!!!
Baby No !!!!!

Seconds later

He jumps..........
Onto Dean , finishing the match and Winning
( last match and everyone has left)
I get into the ring. Shane lays flat on his back . I sit down next to him.
He holds my hand .
I am sorry Bonney
Tires fill in his eyes.
Its okay Shane .
He noddes .
2 mins later
A guy hands me a first aid kit.
I wipe all Shane's cuts and we head to the hotel.

Later that Night.
After Showering
Bonney sits on Shane s lap in lounge .
Shane ?
I want to retire from wrestling
Mmm what do u want to do ??
I want to join you in the office ....

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