How long before Recovery?

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Aj wakes up .And so does Bonney,because they hear the sound of glass breaking .in the next room .  they run to the bathroom. Only to find Channing out cold. Bonney drop s to her knees to try wake him up .Well Aj phones the paramedics .And he also phones Bonney s dad to meet them at the hospital.

Washington State Hospital

1 hour since the accident

Aj holds Bonney in his arms as they wait for the news.

Dr.Kenneth walks up to them and they stand up .
Are u Channing s family: Doctor
They nodded
Well Mr Kuster is suicidal and has minor head injury s and has to say with a loved one .Until he recovers.,: doctor

When can he go home:Aj
Today .I already signed the papers you may came get him from the room and then you have to take care of him.: doctor says as they follow him to Channing s room

When they get there Bonney is horrified by the site of Her brother who is all pale from the over doce and her dad who is crying. Bonney goes to hug her dad who pulls her tighter.

Can we came to your place dad?:Bonney
Kevin s house
Aj helps Channing walk to the coach .
Were is he going to stay..Bonney s phone rings it's Shane

Were are you?: Shane
My brother was attacked and kidnapped but he escaped and then he tried to kill himself.: Bonney
( Shane is Bonneys BBF)
Omg I coming to you.: Shane says as he hangs up the phone
Bonney tells them its shane and he is coming too

Shane has arrived

I am so sorry Bonney:Shane
He pulls he into a hug

They sit down

Channing can stay with me ,:Shane
I will work from the hotel and you and Aj will room with me from now on..
Thx shane it means a lot , your a real friend
He smiles.
Oh dear I know it does

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