Chapter 6 - Now What?

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Bella POV:

It was hard enough to get here and then to walk alone in the woods to find this hidden location was just another bonus in the picture, notice my sarcasm.

I didn't know if i was even going to find the place because all i could see was trees and more trees. But I wasn't going to start to give up just yet. If it meant that there could be a cure to save Jacob.

"Stupid trees where the hell am I?" my patience was at it''s maximin and when I was just starting to lose hope I saw up ahead a gate!

"Finally" the gate seemed to have rust and the color of the paint start to peel off and though there was no lock it looked out of place in the woods. 

"Here goes nothing" I knew right there and then my life was going to change.

As I walked through the gate I was startled by the sound of people voices. And they were heading this way towards me. Damnit I have to hide, but where?

Out of no where salvation was just a few strides away I took refuge behind an old pick up truck that was just standing there.

 "There's a war coming and youre too blind to see it happening!" yelled a man to another and what shocked me was that Jacob's brother was there also and he was very much standing there looking fearless as ever. But what war were they talking about.

"If you lose your life because of your unbelieveable ignorance our kind shall die and your hand will be covered of our blood"

What's that supposed to mean. They kept to walk away towards the gate that was exactly opposite me.

How am I going to get out of this situation. Looks like I got to run my ass far away from them. and whatever may happen I have to deal with it.

"I know what to do so shut up you pathaic scum" that sounded like the voice I heard from the phone. The man looked similar to Jacob, he must be his older brother.

"We are almost at our destinition" they were on the move towards the old mansion. I saw my escape and planned to go forward towards the opposite direction on the other side. I guess it was now or never. Taking that chance I left heading towards the door and off I went toward my destination.

I ran as fast as I could towards the door with all I had I heard their voices but my main focus was to get in. Just as when I were to get in, the door opened and there who came out was the man who I met last night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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