Chapter 3 - Blood Rush

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Anybody who believe that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography                                  -Robert Byrne

Chapter 3 - Blood Rush

Not only was I in awe of how expensive looking it looked, but shocked as to how we were able to come to such a place. You see if you could afford to buy a jet plane then you certainly can be able to afford to come inside.

It was a place for those'VIP members' meaning you have to be a big shot to enter, something I wonder how we even maneged to come in. Cause last time I checked I don't have half a million in my bank. But some how Jacob was able to get us in. I tried to asked him how,all he said was 'some things are just not meant to be said' like what was that suppose to me?.

"Come on Bella we're missing all the fun" Tessa yells practically grabbing my hand pulling me down the stairs not caring how I nearly slipped on those set of stairs. We took one of the vacant sits near the bar that had a good view of all the people dancing. I began to feel uncomfortable, and start to think this wasn't the type of fun I liked nor my type of crowd I'd hang out with. 

Tessa calls one of the bar tenders over to our table with a wave of her hand and just like that he came running like a dog towards her. He was good looking wasn't that muscle, had shaggy brown hair matching his eyes. He wore a black shirt that all the bar tenders wore and a casual jeans to match. Going over to Tessa side he smiled showing off his perfect straight teeth. As he leaned closer to her to ask what we would want.

"Can I have two long island iced tea sweetie and four shots of your strongest drink" Tessa tells the bar tender with a wink "No problem" he replies before disappearing into the massive crown of people. 

As I start to look around I felt that someone was missing and to my conclusion it was Jacob "Where's Jacob?" I ask Tessa and come to think of it I haven't seen him since we entered the club. "Oh he must have went to hit on girls or go see a friend of his, don't worry he'll find his way back, anyways how do you like the club so far" she ask me giving her full attention.

Looking around the club then to her face I take in notice of her petite body with her healthy blond hair to her outfit she wore that consisted of something tight yet elegant. "It's to be expected for any clubs Tessa" I reply back and just in cue the guy came with our drinks to our table.

Placing the drinks carefully on the table he slides her his number gesturing with his hand to say "Call me" making Tessa smirk before he walks back to the bar. "Damn he surely have a fine ass" she whistle while I just rolled my eyes, observing the drinks in front of me I take one of the iced tea taking a sip it wasn't as bad as I thought, though you could taste the bitter sweetness of the alcohol you barely could notice it.

"Do you like it" Tessa asks as she slide a shot to me and hold one in her hand, do I like it? hell no I didn't like it at all not cause I don't like the feeling of 'letting go' it's just with them I could find myself outside a dump sleeping "No Tessa it taste worse then that beer I had with you and Jacob at a football college game" I say turning my head to the other side to take a look at the area once more.

"Take a shot with me, here" reluctantly I take the shot waiting of her to start the count like she always does. "Alright 1, 2, 3," we both drown the shot and I start to feel it kicking in...yes I know I cannot hold my liquor, sue me. "Yeah baby" I hear her say as she starts to sway herself to the music, while I'm more of seeing double.

It was even worse then the other drink and I didn't know that it could burn your throat. How in the world can people can stand this. "Another one"  I hear Tessa yells to me, but I think I'm at my limit putting my hands up in defeat I try to say that I can't take another. "No Tessa" my words begin to slur.

 "Annabelle" she warns with her stern look on her face. I knew it is against my moral belief, but just  like that I gave into peer pressure. I took that shot followed by another one, and another.                                                    


 They were viscous vile creatures that strives for one thing and that is the pain of others, they knew nothing of human compassion only the emotion of hatred, jealousy, greed, and lust.

"Shut up whore" the man yelled at the woman she shivered at the harsh tone of his voice. She wasn't his first that was raped and beaten badly. She was a victim to hiswhore games he played. Lured into the lion's den, she would have never thought that behind those ember eyes and pearl white teeth was a cruel human being. Her clothes were ripped to shred reveling her injured body, blood and human substance were on her beautiful tanned skin.

Her abuser was their second in commend he showed no pity to anyone. He drove on one thing and that was inflicting pain on women, it was the only deed that gave him happiness. Yanking her hair he forced her to stand at eye level to see the fear in her eyes before he slammed her head against the ally wall. "Damon, don't you think you're having too much fun with this lady" from the darkness stepping into the light was Greon one of the four members in their group.

He was a lean masculine man in his mid twenties, born in the jungle of Cambodia, he learned the art of  Kbach Kun Boran Khmehe an ancient martial arts. He made his way to the U.S.A. through street fights and was recruited by their leader Zion to join their crew. His body is filled with scars from previous fights and his past is unknown.

"Ha, she couldn't even last a little longer" replied Damon as he banged her head against the pavement once more before he loosened his grip on her hair.The mid night air was chilly but that didn't seem to matter to Damon he was rather enjoying the flickering of the stars above him and the smell of fresh blood in the air. Taking out a cigarette bud, he waited for Greon to pass him the light.

With that gesture Greon took out the lighter from his back pocket tossing it to Damon. "Zion won't be pleased with your show of affection to that girl," Damon didn't care what Zion had to say all he cared was his own evil demise, Zion may be his leader but that didn't mean he can boss how he treats women. 

Greon sensed Damon wasn't very much pleased when he brought up the topic. No one liked the man, he himself didn't like being near him, but he was their leader in command. Whatever Zion wanted, it goes and no one was allowed to stay in the way. "Zion can kiss my ass for all I care," spatted Damon in disgust. "He doesn't own me, what I do is my business," with that he took one long puff before throwing it to the ground. Blowing out the smoke he held into the night air.

"He doesn't want to clean your mess, so I advise you do something ofwith this before the cops find the body of your latest one night stand" Greon didn't like helpless victims he liked it when they put up a fight rather than let him do what he want, that type of thing excited him.

"Leave me be Greon, I do not want to be disturb," Damon's back was turned to Greon, as he looked at the petite figure of the girl before him, a faint breathing was to be heard from her. Bending down on his knees he pushed her hair behind her ear taking in her appearance that pretty much was covered with blood. "Tell Zion I'll take care of this one" with that Greon disappeared into the night the same way he appeared to Damon.



I am so sorry guys I took so long had a bit of a writer blocks during the period. Tell me your thoughts I promise on my great great great grandfather's grave I will limit the amount of time I take to upload the next chapter.

Next chapter I will be introducing Zion


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