Hospital Conflict

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Chapter 7


     Snow falls. Her leg! Oh my gosh! Did she just stab her? I run over and hold the spot where the scalpel is wedged in. I don't say a thing. I guess I'm in too much shock I just reacted. I look up at Angela and stare hard. I hear Adrian say something but I'm blocking it out. Josh immediately runs out of the room for the nurses. When the nurses come, I hold hold her leg while they pick her up. I let go and walk over to Angela. I lean in and hold her arm so she doesn't stab me as well. "I know it's you. If you ever touch her again or say anything to them about us I'll put you right back in here and that's a promise." I know it's her telling the bullies and morons. I don't know how but I know it's her. "I don't know what your talking about," she says with a smug look on here face. Josh comes back in. I let go and go after the nurses.


     Oh god. Why did I let her go over there? I could have seen something was coming even if I were blind. I'm so stupid. I walk back into the room as Vale walks out. "Why?" I ask Angela. "Why what?" she says with an attitude. "It wasn't her fault and you know that." "Oh shut up! She knows he wasn't coming on to her and she knows it. He loved me. She killed him and made up some story to cover it up." "There were witnesses!" I say loudly. "That guy didn't love you Angela. He probably only dated you so he could come and see her. And you can't even except that. Ugh. You are pathetic." "YOU DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT HIM! HE LOVED ME AND ME ONLY!" "Believe what you want. But no one will love you again." I leave before she is able to say a thing. "You did," I hear her say. "I regret it. And I always will." I walk out the room.


     I run after the nurses carrying Snow. They walk into a room with a doctor that is holding a cup of brown liquid "Oh! My goodness I wasn't expecting another patient tonight," he says standing up and wobbling. "Doctor Manson... were you drinking?" asks one of the female nurses that tagged along. "No Tracy, I was just relaxing a little," he says with his eyes almost rolled back. "Umm sir, I'm Hannah," the nurse says in response. "Yeah no one cares. My girlfr-" I stop myself. "My friend is passed out bleeding and no one is helping her!" Vale walks in. Doctor Manson grunts. "Ugh. What do we have here?" he says leaning over her leg. "Oh look! There's blood! Well I guess I better stitch that up hahaha." He's totally drunk. If he messes her up I'll kill him. "Hannah!! Pass me the scissors please dear!!" "Yes Doctor Manson. But there's no need to yell I'm right here sir." "Of course haha okay." Dr. Manson is completely drunk and I'm standing here. letting him work on her. He cuts around her pants "Haha there's a vein right next to her cut! I really think she was supposed to get that cut.. I guess I'll have to cut it then!" He puts the scissors right in her cut and over the vein. "NO!" I grab the scissors right out of his hands but blood starts spraying out of Snow's leg. "OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" screams the first female nurse. "Shhhh it's okay! I did it!" Dr. Manson says like an idiot. I swing my arm back down. Woah! Did I already punch him? The doctor falls back and hits his head on the cabinet. I start to jump but I get pulled down. I turn around and Josh is holding my arms back. She jumps awake "Ahhhh AHHHH AH WHAT AM I DOING HERE?" Snow screams. "Shhhhh it's okay we're all here," I say hold her by the shoulders. She looks at her leg and closes her eyes. "She...she did it again?" she asks. "Again?" Vale asks. Snow pulls up her other jean leg and there is a long scar coming from her knee to her ankle. "She cut my leg open the week after Kendrick died." Josh steps outside and walks a little down the hallway. He's holding his face in disbelief. But I believe it. Another doctor walks in and one of the nurses grabs the drunk doctor harshly and throws him out of the room. The doctor patches Snow's leg up and pulls Vale and I into the hallway. "Dr. Manson just grazed the vein which caused the slight amount of blood flow. Due to this horrible event, you can press charges or don't. "We will be," I say firmly. "You don't know that Adrian," Vale says elbowing me. "I'm sorry. That is up to Snow's parents," I tell the doctor. "For now we will put her in the room with her sister. "No NO! Please don't do that please!" Josh says running up the hallway. "Do you mind me asking why?" the doctor asks. "Because she's the reason she's in here!" "Oh I see. Okay I'll arrange for another room then." And the doctor walks away. My phone rings. It's my mom. "Hello?" "GET HOME NOW!" "but mom I'm at the hospital. My friend got stabbed and she couldn't died!" "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND JUST GET HOME NOW!" "or what?" "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" "I said I'm not coming home and if you don't start treating me right, I won't ever come home again." "Adrian. If you don't come home now I'm gonna-" "-Bye mom..." I hang up. "That was tough. Mind if I stay at your house tomorrow Josh?" I ask. " Tomorrow? Why not tonight?" "Oh I'm staying here at the hospital with Snow." "Me too!" Vale says. "Were gonna need you to bring us some clothes for school tomorrow please Josh?" Vale asks him. "Sure babe. I'll bring you some of my clothes Josh. Don't worry my brother has those beanie things Adrian so I'll bring you one," Josh says as he heads for the elevator. "Coming through here!" shouts a nurse pushing Snow into a room down the hall. We run after them grabbing onto the bed and walking into the room. "Adrian Adrian! I thought you left me!" "And Vale! Oh my gosh. Thank you," Snow says as a tear falls from her eye and she wipes it away. "Why would we leave?" Vale asks as she hugs her. "Because everyone else did after that day." "I'm pretty sure my parents will only come to the hospital to come see Angela tonight." "I'm going to the bathroom," Vale says. "Watch her Adrian." I nod.


     WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED? I'm so out of it. I don't even know anymore. "Umm Snow?" I turn and look at Adrian. "If you don't mind me asking... why isn't your last name Slate? You know, like Angela's?" I turn to look away from him before I cry in his face. "No No No! I'm sorry. My bad." "No no it's fine. My parents changed my last name after..." I can't. I'll cry again. They disowned me and didn't believe me. I might as well just die. Now I'm back in the same hospital as before. The only good thing is that I don't have to go to school for a while. I look out into the hallway. My parents! Their here! They walk past my room. I knew they would only come for her. My mother saw me, but she kept walking. "Noa Spon? Yes she's just down the hall," I hear the front desk nurse say. "Who's coming to see me? Oh no... Becky, Ryden, Tyler and his girlfriend Amanda walk into my room. They are here to see me. No one else is in my room. Adrian stands up.

"Oh look guys! She did it," Becky says. She set Angela up for this?

Why didn't I see this?

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