Reans Again

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Chapter 5

     Val comes in. She doesn't say a word, she just sits on the floor. "Well I should go. See you tomorrow Val," I say while bending down and hugging her. "Yeah I should go too. It's getting kinda late," says Adrian as he packs up all his stuff, fist bumps Val and leaves behind me. I walk outside. I won't skate. I'll walk I need time to think in fresh air. He grabs my hand.


     I know she's confused. I know she's angry at her brother. I know she's happy with me, but also really confused. I live in the other direction. She needs to be alone but not yet. I have to be there. I can't just let her go after that. I have to reassure her.

     I run after her. She doesn't see me. I take her hand and turn her around. "I know that's a lot to take in. I know you feel like a hypocrite because you yelled at your brother for doing the exact same thing that you are doing right now. I may not know everything about you but I do know how to read you." She starts to cry. I hug her, reassuring her that I'm here and I always will be. "Noa. I'm here for you."


     No one has ever been there for me. Yes my "twin" sister is there but she isn't. She has her own friends and I had mine. Adrian can read me. He's right. When he says something he means it and I have learned that in these hours I spent with him today. I learned that he really is here for me and he's the only one. I hold his hand and put my fingers through his.


     I love her.


     I love him.

     I wake up. I don't remember coming upstairs but I must have because I'm in my bed. Changed and everything. I take a shower and pass Angela's room. She's doing the same thing as yesterday. I'm not even going to bother with her today. I shower and feed Danny. I can but can't wait to go to school.


     Josh Josh Josh. Ahhhhh Josh. He said he's coming to walk me to school and I can't wait. I shower twice to make sure I smell and look extra clean. After an hour I straightened and colored my hair. I put on my long black sweater because it randomly got cold today. My black skinny jeans are my best friend. I slip on my boots and step outside my door. OH WHAT THE HECK! He's already here. "I've been waiting for you," he says with a smile. "awwww thanks Josh," I say walking down my porch stairs. "Josh?" he says as he puts his arms around me so I stay warm. "Were a couple now so call me babe."


     She fell asleep I don't know how. We took a break on a bench. I put my arms around her and she fell asleep. She's light so I carried her home and knocked. Jake came to the door. He took her and that's all I know. Today I plan to surprise her outside her house. I bought her some CDs and candy. I don't really know what kind she likes so I got her sour candy.


     I don't want to shower. She hugged me and now I smell like her. I walk to her house and wait 17 minutes exactly for her to come out. The door opens. It's her...mother. I casually walk down the street as if I was just passing their house. When she drives off far enough to where she can't see me I run back and wait. She opens the door. The sweater, the jeans, the boots. Pure perfection.


     Outfit. I grab my long dark blue sweater and my light blue skinny jeans from the abyss. Shoes. Oh god. Shoes are the hardest to find in there. I step in, pulling up all the clothes at once. Sweet! blue high tops will perfect my outfit. I'm dying to see him. I get dressed and pass Jake. "So you get angry at me for dating a girl on the first day and you-" "he's not my boyfriend," I cut him off. "sure." I put my bracelets on, grab my phone and bag, and step outside. I turn and lock the door. Crap! My long board. I go back inside.

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