The Morning Of The Beginning

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Chapter 1

          Oh my gosh. Its here again. How many more years of this? Two more after this one. Believe it or not but I love waking up in the morning that's my only advantage of going to school, everything else sucks. I sit up in my bed. It's 5:45. I had the best school ever. Lot's of friends and I was pretty well known. But it all changes now. I will never fit in at this new school.

        Well there's nothing I can do now. I stand up and get out of my bed. I can smell the smell of my sisters dog as I step over my dog, Danny to get out of my room. As I step over him, he jumps up and pushes down my leg. In this kneeling position, I bend down to pet him but that's now why he pushed me down. Danny runs out into the living room barking louder than he ever has before. I follow him into the living room only to find my brother sleeping on the couch. Danny has never met my brother, Jake because he's been traveling for a year. I knew he would be back before the school year started I just thought it would be sooner.

       "Oh hi, I kinda forgot I had a brother," I say to Jake in a sarcastic voice. "if you had come home earlier you would have a lot more time to sleep but since you didn't, you can't, sorry." Jake sits up and stretches like he's never stretched before the cracking that his joints and bones are making resemble a creaking floor. I bend down to comfort Danny before he wakes up my mother. My dad has probably left for work by now.

      I walk into my room to get my towels from the abyss I call my closet. It's so messy you could actually get lost in all the clothes. The time now is 6:03. I grab the towels and rush to the bathroom. But sure enough, as I walk past Angela's room she's not in there. I walk out onto her balcony to see if she's there. She is, but her face is red and she's holding his picture. "thinking about him again?" I ask her. "everyday," she says in between tears. Angela and I are only nine months apart, so we talk like were twins because we basically are. "why did he go? Snow why can't I have him back?" she asks me. "I'm sorry ange but it's been a 3 months since Kendrick died and you turned down every guy in the school because you couldn't take your mind off him. It is time to just, move on." She looks at me like I just told her to jump off the balcony. She kisses Kendrick's picture and walks back in her room.

       Her clock says 6:32. I better get in the shower. I'd hate to be late for the first day at a new school. As I get out the shower I smell something burning. MY COFFEE! I'm such an idiot. I run to the coffee pot and yank it out of the coffee maker. I turn around to get my coffee cup (I'm doing all this in my towel from the abyss), but I slip and send the coffee pot flying into the air above me all the coffee spills all over my hair (just missing my face by an centimeter). Great now I have to wash it. Another hour and I only have 40 mins.

    I dash back into the bathroom grabbing all the shampoo and conditioners I need, making sure their the right ones not to cause anymore trouble. I might as well dye the ends of my hair while I get dressed then. I wash, flat iron and dye my hair with 8 minutes to spare. I grab my long gray tank top with my dark blue (almost black) jeggings and my black high tops. I look into the abyss and find (somehow) my gray Beanie. I wash out my hair dye and put on my Beanie. I grab bag, phone, and headphones and head for the door.

      "See you at school Snow," Jake says to me. "You better be there," I say back with a smile. And I leave.

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