Arthur Finds Out

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"Merlin! What's taking you so long? I want to go already." Arthur practically whined. I smiled, even though he couldn't see me as I had my back to him.

"Just a minute, sire. I am just getting finished saddling the horses." I said softly, and then, looking around, I gave him a quick peck on the lips when I realized that no one else was looking. I went back to my task of saddling up the horses.

Arthur and I had been seeing each other as more than friends for over a month now, and I knew better than to make it public knowledge. Arthur didn't even need to ask me. I knew how badly it could hurt his image if it was found out that he was seeing his servant, let alone another man. I loved him to death, and I was hoping that he loved me too. Neither of us had said it yet. I was waiting for the right time, and I was hoping that this outing would be the right time.

"All right, there we are. All saddled up, just like you asked sire." I said, stepping away from the two horses. It was when I went to wake him up that morning that he asked me if I wanted to go on a hunting trip with him. I was a bit hesitant to go, seeing as how I was almost certain that the knights knew how I felt about the Prince. I knew that Gwaine knew, and he took every opportunity to let me know that he knew. It was when Arthur said that it would just be me and him that I jumped at the chance.

"Finally. Thought I was going to have to wait another century before we got started." Arthur said. It made me smile, as I knew that he was only playing, and that he truly did appreciate what I did for him, even if it wasn't as speedy as some of the other servants would have accomplished it.

The trip out of the gate was quiet and uneventful. It wasn't a tense quiet, but more a friendly one. I took the time to remember what had happened that had led to the relationship I had with Arthur.

I walked into Arthur's chambers, fidgeting slightly. Arthur was finally able to be up and around after nearly being killed in his fight against Morgana. She had nearly killed him, and I only got there just in time.

That whole fiasco made me realize that I needed to swallow my fears and tell Arthur how I felt about him. I knew that I had loved the Prince ever since he let his true kindness show. He may still be a prat, but he had the heart of a true and noble King. It made me seem him in a different light. Things from that point on took on a whole new meaning for me. I realized that I wanted to spend more time with him, and that was precisely what I did.

"Merlin, are you going to come in, or are you just going to stand there?" Arthur asked, though it lacked the usual bite from his usual insults. He was standing near his window, looking thoughtfully out into the courtyard. I knew from experience that he only did that when he was seriously thinking about something.

"Sorry Sire." I said, walking in and closing the door behind me. Arthur looked at me, and it sent a jolt down my spine. I had come so close to losing him, and to have lost him without letting him know how much he was loved, not only by me, but by all of the rest of the kingdom, would have been... indescribable.

"Sire. I wanted to let you know that, while I may not be the most competent manservant, and while I may only be a servant in general, I would like to think that we have become friends in the time that we have known each other. We all nearly lost you in the fight against Morgana, and during the time it took for you to recover, it occurred to me that no one had taken time out of their lives to tell you how utterly loved you are. You are so noble and have such a kind heart. While you may view kindness as a weakness, it is more powerful than fear in every way. I wanted to let you know that I, and any of your subjects, would do anything for you." I said, just barely keeping my emotions in check. I was so close to crying because I realized how empty my life would have been had I lost him.

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