The Return Trip

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When my mum let us go, I looked at Arthur. He was blushing slightly, but I saw the way that his eyes flicked towards me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I shooed my mum away with my hand, making sure she actually left, before I pressed in close to him.

I decided to wait to kiss him, and just snuggled up on his chest, bringing him down to lay on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me close to him. I reveled in the closeness, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Apparently, my emotions took a greater toll on me than I had originally thought. I was exhausted.

(Arthur's Point of View)

When I looked down at Merlin, snuggled up on my chest, I saw that he was asleep. I smiled at him, and carefully maneuvered so that I could sleep with him. I had barely slept in the past four days because I had been so worried about him. I was so worried that I wasn't going to be able to see him, that he might have already left.

Because of my visit last time, I knew where his mother lived, and I imagined that it would be where Merlin was. Every step I took that brought me closer to the door filled me with more and more dread. What if he wasn't there? What if he was already gone? What if he was there, but he refused to see me? What if he hated me?

My mind was in a jumble, and I steeled myself for anything that might happen. However, I wasn't expecting him to rush out of the doorway in a panic and come crashing into me. I grabbed him before he could fall on the ground and pulled him close to me. I grabbed his chin and kissed him on the mouth, making sure that I would remember it in case I never got to kiss him again.

And it seemed that I wouldn't get to again when he forced our faces apart. I wouldn't let go of him, no matter how hard he struggled. I needed to get everything out. However, before I could speak, he started speaking.

"What's going on? I thought you didn't want to see me again? Why are you here Arthur?" He said. He sounded hurt, hopeful, and so, so very scared that it nearly broke my heart. I had never wanted to hurt him, and I didn't want him to leave without knowing that I didn't mean what I had said, and that I wanted him back.

"You left before I could sort through any of the information Merlin... I had Gaius bind us together with magic, so that I could find you and ask you to come back. I know that I have no right to ask you this, but I am doing so regardless. I have always been selfish, and with you, I am no different. I don't want to have a life without you Merlin... I love you too much to let you go without telling you how I feel. If you still want to leave, then you are free to do so, but know that you will always have a home in Camelot. In my arms." I said. I kissed his forehead, and then let him go.

I saw many different emotions play across his face. I saw how much he wanted to go back with me, the longing in his eyes, but I also saw the fear. I was beginning to think that I had truly destroyed any and all chances of seeing him after Ealdor. Finally, he looked up into my eyes, and I saw a determination in his aquamarine depths. He looked like he was bracing himself for a blow that would rock his entire being.

"Et revelabitur veritas et mendacium desinere." Merlin said, and I saw his eyes flash golden. I was in awe of his power, and I knew that it had to be considerable. He took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes again.

"Tell me what is really on your mind Arthur. Tell me if you truly do want me back. With the spell I cast, there can be no lies, only the truth. Lies have ceased to exist for the time being." Merlin said, and he once again looked like he was ready to be ripped to shreds. I started speaking, and I felt as if my entire soul was being laid out in front of us. The strangest thing is that I wanted it. I wanted to be able to talk to him without him doubting anything that was coming out of my mouth.

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