The Warehouse, The Rush

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This is where I live. This Warehouse. It's nice and big, which comes to my liking. Also, I may hang my victims along the ceiling. I smile thinking about it. Their screams pouring out, the begs for mercy as I make them suffer. Slowly, pushing the blade I have into their skin. They are surprised an 'innocent' girl, like me, would do this. They don't know what happened, or what it's like. My smile grows bigger thinking about my last kill. 

* Flashback One. *

 " Why? " It was all she could say. " Why not? You disgust me along with father. You never thought of others, just of your damn selves. You'd go out, party, get drunk. Come home to me. I'd be clueless, of course. Until, I caught onto your little patterns. The games you'd play. You'd abuse me, sexually abuse me, verbally abuse me, and lock me up with no food or water. And I'd have no one to talk to because I am not allowed to make friends or associate with anyone or else I'd get killed. You two, " I say evilly, " will die. " Their expressions automatically turned to frightened. I grab my knife and slowly press it against my mothers face, blood pouring after. A gruesome smile appears on my face. " Goodbye. " I slowly press the knife into her stomach. Earning loud screams from her, father just watching. "  Not protecting your wife? Tsk, tsk, tsk. " She dies. I quickly turn to him. In a low voice, I say, " You're next. " I slowly drag the knife down his chest, a big cut with blood coming along with it. An even more gruesome smile appears on my face. My father stares at me in horror. " Wh-What... Who.. Are you? " He dies after that. I grab both of them and bring them to a nearby warehouse. " Nice, " I whisper. I go on the top and hang their bodies. I go back to the house and grab my things such as: Clothes, water, brush. That's all. I would never go back there otherwise. No one will know, my thoughts called out to me. " I know, " I said, aloud. 

* Flashback One Over *

I look around. My dead father, mother, aunt, and uncle. Auntie and Uncle sadly found out I killed mother and father. So I killed them off too. I made it quick and painless since they didn't do anything bad to me and they were actually like my real parents, like real parents. I just quickly slit each of their throats. Before, they said the same thing that my father said before he died.  I look up and see all of their decaying bodies. I smile and lie down on this hay bed I made myself. I usually sleep in the shadows in case someone comes in and I have to kill them. It almost happened twice. I have to be more careful with my kills and such. Especially, hiding the bodies.



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