Victim One- Joy

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My first victim in such a long time. I can't wait for this rush that I will get. I haven't had this in a long time.. Seems like years. Although, it was only a year ago. I chose Joy. She was over-confident and too perky. It annoyed me. Also, she bullied all the shy-er kids. It seems pretty natural these days, the popular person usually bullies the shy-er kids since they get scared easier. Only sometimes are the popular girls nice. I was easily scared. This was before mother, father, auntie, and uncle died. She would shove me up against the lockers, her entourage watching me get hurt. I would let out a squeal in pain since it would hurt me back then. I was very sensitive... After she finished punching and kicking me, I'd throw up blood in the girls bathroom. Then, I would walk home. Whoever said hello to me, I'd ignore. I went home and just walked straight to my room. Nothing else said about it. I eye her walking past me, her scoffing. We were in the locker room, no one else there. I cover her mouth and drag her in the back of a trash car. We sit here. " What do you want, bitch. " Big mistake. " Tsk, tsk, tsk. You've been a bad girl, Joy, " I say evilly. She stares at me for a moment, " What do you mean ? " She starts demanding. I just punch her a couple times in the face and she passes out. The truck stops by a nearby path. I hop out, Joy on my back. I carry her all the way to my warehouse. It was a mile walk. She became so heavy, I'd take breaks. Her waking up and screaming annoyed me most, I just wanted to kill her then and there but where is the fun in that? I chloroform her. Walking the rest of the way, I think about each of her entourage, their names and addresses. They will be next. They will. When we get to the warehouse, I chain her up against a wall. I wait for her to wake up. " Wh- Where am I? " Scared was basically written across her forehead. " In my warehouse. " She looks up and sees the four dead bodies hanging, she screams. I stare at her and grab my axe. " I will make this slow and painful, alright? Alright," I say happily. She screams and screams ' bloody hell' over and over again. This makes me want to cut her head off. I slowly drag the knife down her chest, like I did with dad. Then, I cut her cheek, then lips. As soon as the heavy bleeding starts, I smile an evil smile. I haven't been so happy since a couple months ago. I then finish her off with a stabbing in the head and heart. I hang her body to the ceiling.  " You did well, child." Says the voice inside my head. " Thanks. " After that, I went to go shower. I let the warm water heat up as I lay out clean clothes, a tooth brush, tooth paste, and a regular brush. I then strip, hopping into the shower. I let the warm water hit my back before doing anything. I then put shampoo in my hair and shave. After, I rinse out the shampoo and put in conditioner. I rinse it out about five minutes after. I get out and wrap the towel around my body. I stare at my reflection. My eyes... They're red, blood red. And my skin was pale, albino even. My body was skinny and frail looking although, I could kill. My hair is straight. Nothing special. Although, it was turning black. It was naturally light brown. " Isn't the woman I created beautiful?" It says. " No, so shut up." I was in no mood to deal with it right now. " Don't be rude to the person who created you. You better watch your filthy mouth, bitch." It says, getting angry. " I SAID SHUT UP!" I scream, then I punch the mirror. Letting the blood pour out of my knuckles. I get dressed and brush my teeth and comb my hair, not taking care of my hand yet. I then pull out the glass and pour alchol on it. I loved that tingly feeling. I then wrapped up my hand. I lie down, not giving a damn about the world.

                        Don't trust the innocence in me. 

Because... It's gone.

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