Victtim Two- Dillon. Should I Not Kill Him?

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A/N: I was thinking about making a small romance in the story so we'll see how this will end out. c;

Victim Two. It's been one week since I killed Joy. I try to keep my killing limits down to one a week. Well, this kill... Let's say he's, different. I actually found him attractive, I never find anyone attractive. I got this weird feeling in my stomach, I didn't like it. I wanted to stab my stomach. I probably would, sooner or later if this seemed to continue. His name? Well, typical boy name, Dillon. He had blue eyes, they were pure... Had innocence. His hair was black, almost the shade of my own hair. He had it swooped to the left. He looked, attractive... " You know better to not fall for a boy, especially that piece of shit. " It said. I sigh and continue to follow him. I started spacing out. What did it want from me? Anything in specific? Was it the reason I kill? Or is it that I am just insane? So many questions are swarming through my head. "WATCH OUT!" It screamed.  I bumped into the boy. "Hey, wat-... Hi," he said. His voice was low, like, a nice type of low. I study his features. "Hello," my soft voice let out. " I am sorry to bump into you, I should really be on my way. I am meeting my... Friend.? " I said that in more of a question. " You're lying." He read right through me. No one is supposed to be able to do that. The only one who could do that was...

"How did you-" He cut me off,"I just know." He looks 16. " How old are you, if I may ask.?" He ponders for a minute, " Fifteen." I stare at him, the warm feeling came back and I fell on the floor and cringed. " Are you alright," worry flashes all over his face. " I-I'm f-fine." The feeling is making me go crazy. My vision is becoming fuzzier. I can't handle this. "Blood will satisfy your cravings hun. Don't you realize? That feeling you have right now is compassion, love. It will kill your insides and eat you out. Trust me, love is an awful thing you do not want to get into, things can turn ugly. Things WILL turn ugly. And let me tell you something, I know this because I have been through exactly what you have been," it says. " How have you been through what I have? " I question. " Because I used to be my own person, in my own body. Living inside myself, not some insane teenage girl.  I used to have the life. A boyfriend, a family, a mother and father and cat, even a dog. They got along well. I ended up getting shot in the head. Guess who pulled the trigger? Not me, my boyfriend." It says, clearly wanting sympathy. " If I do even end up having feelings for this guy off the street, I highly doubt he'd shoot me. SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! This is my life and I wanna control what I am doing for once. Not you.!" He stares at me with shock. " Who are you talking to? You just had a conversation with yourself," he's really confused. I grab the knife hidden in my boot and stab my stomach. I told you I would if this feeling continued. Blood sept through my shirt. I let out a sigh of relief. The guy picked me up, telling me things. Whispering them in a nice, calm tone. I loved that. " What's your name?" I manage to say. " Dillon. Yours?" I debate whether or not to tell him my name. " Celeste. Call me Cel, for short." He smiles. " Alright, Cell. Stay with me, alright?" " Don't worry. I most likely will."


                        Don't trust the innocence in me. 

Because... It's gone.

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