Maya and Lucas pov I took a shower at Lucas's house and Lucas handed me a shirt-and pants then i thanked him and did my makeup and hair . This is what she looked like
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Lucas pov Wow you look so hot that's what I wanted to say , but I didn't because she doesn't see me like that Riley said she does but I don't believe her Maya's hot and She's kind to me she's prefect I love her. I'm going to tell everyone the truth about us at the dance but I need help from Zay, Farkle Texting Zay Farkle Lucas: hey guys I need help see me and Maya are hoping for a baby well I'm hoping of a baby and I need to tell her how I feel about her how could I tell her how I feel. Zay: boi how about a surprise birthday 🎉. Farkle: yea I'll help I can ask my dad for a huge hall . Zay: when It comes to food u can count on me. Lucas: thanks guys you don't know how much I appreciate this . I own u guys End of course Lucas and Riley and Chloe and Zoe . Zoe : and I can help her get her make up and everything ready. Riley: and I'll get her hair and accessories this is so exciting. Lucas: guys me Farkle and Zay are throwing a surprise party for Maya I need your help I'll explain later. Chloe: oh my gosh yes I'll help her get her dress don't worry I'm a great liar LOL. Lucas made a group chat called operation Miles birthday in the group chat Chloe, Zoe ,Zay ,Farkle ,Riley ,and Lucas are in the group chat they all got to work they have 2 weeks until her birthday.