Riley,chole, Zoe R:what theme? Zoe:pool party? Chole: and a slumber party just for really close friends. Riley: alright then food. Chole: You Can Count me and your mom. Riley: outfits? Zoe: I got this...tomorrow the mall all of us got it also chole we've got ourselves and Auntie's birthday to attend. Chole:huh? Zoe: I just tell her that one of our Auntie is having a very fancy 50-year birthday party and we have to dress fancy so that way we can make her go to the mall and buy outfits. Riley and chole : oh smart. Chole: I'll tell the boys. Riley:ok so guests? Chole: Emma and Jay Peyton and Jason Harley and Clinton Jenna and Isaac Sam and Austin Jade and Ricardo Breanna and Lance Maya and Lucas (obviously) Riley and Farkle(obvi) Isadora and Zay Jama and Tony Aidan and Alex. Eva and ben Teala and king Jenna and Demetrius Jenny and Dimitri Noah and Hannah Kendall and miles Kenzie and Michael Jordan and Ariana Sabrina and Corey Logan and Linda Serena and Justin Madeline and Sean Bella and Trey Spencer and Amy Britney and Steve Amelia and Williams Thomas and Olivia Henry and Lily Charlie and Ava Debbie and Ryan Jessie and Jess Shawn and Isabella Jax and Ruby Steve and Annabelle Hazel and Elijah Ellie and Hunter Logan and Mackenzie Jace and Samantha Mimi and Prince Addison and Tristan Andy and Ethan Madison and Daniel Esme and Lawrence. Tamika and Zack Kale and Asher. Riley: lucky her her birthday is the 2nd last day of school. The next day Zoe : hey Maya we have to go to the mall. Maya: why?? I'm not in the mood. Zoe: please cause my aunt's birthday is coming up and it's going to be an extremely fancy party so we're all going to dress really fancy so I need you to come to the mall with me the guys are waiting for us at the mall so you can't say no .... please if it makes you feel better we're going to have a pool party for the teens. Maya: two words first final girl second that was really fast. Zoe: secretly yes. In the car
Zoe and Maya singing loudly in the car. Maya: hey guys! Everybody: hey!!! (Zay,chole,Riley,Lucas,Farkle) Zay: let's get started. In the store With Riley and Zay Riley: Zay look at this dress!!
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Zay: pretty Farkle: I swear you should totally wear that right Zay ? Zay: yea With chole and Zoe Zoe I love the dress chole.
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