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There is no way,I'm gonna let that end here. She doesn't know me at all. (Angry Smirk)

That's Laura Hollis,a fresh graduate from Police Academy who just started to work at MPD (Markus Police Department). A fearless young woman (even she doesn't quite realise it yet); Loves her job and to help people,she is very smart but yet wants to learn new things everyday. Her big drawback is that she is very curious for anything weird but most of all for herself.

Dani- Easy Hollis,you don't want to start a war with Lieutenant Dean,she's gonna destroy you (pulls her back).

That's Dani Lawrence (aka D-Bear) just promoted to Detective at MPD,she noticed Laura from the start and tried to take her under her protection. Fearless, powerful, dynamic personality, kindhearted and very strong. And of course proud lesbian.

Laf- Hey, what happened ? Why are both like that ?

That's Susan Lafontein (aka Laf) she is the chief Medical Examiner of MPD. When she was only 6 she was characterized as miracle kid that's why in her 17th graduate from Medical School top of her class and with offers to work wherever she wanted. For a small period she worked as a Professor to NYU but she wanted to be on the field so she quit her job and came to MPD. Brilliant mind,kindhearted, fearless, interested on anything unusual and unexplainable. She refers to herself as agender that's why she uses only her last name (Lafontein). Her belief is that we are not alone.

Perrie- Now,now let's all calm down. Arguments are not positive, so take everyone a deep breath

That's Perrie (aka Pers) she is the psychologist of MPD. She have a small OCD, she doesn't like anything without logic and tries to give a reasonable explanation to everything. She is Lafs best friend.

Dispatch: All units to Baller and Cuser, robbery in progress, 2 casualties and 3 injured. Proceed with great caution.

Dani- Well, Hollis are u ready ?

Laf See you at the crime scene, I'm right behind you.

Perrie- Be safe everyone, see you later (walks of the office)

Laura- Are u sure Dani ?

Dani- (having a little smirk) Let's roll

The team left for the scene. In the mean time the robbers started to have a big fight which you couldn't understand who is who and what they are fighting about.

Ian- Hell yeah that's what I'm talking about (he was looking the bodies of the people who just killed)
Ian (aka Little Wizle) a full psychopath, sociopath, egomaniac, narcissistic youngster. The only way to control him is with Meds. He is very strong, persuasive and with a big secret

Mattie- Ian (with bossy tone) that's enough
This is Mattie (aka Mads) a strong minded,powerful, strong,cold hearted woman,who doesn't care about anything except herself and her sister. A very bizzare human being? She could control you without even understand what are you doing. Also with a very big secret.

The team finally arrived at scene,they suited up and a with persicion tactic forced into the store.

Dani - Police everybody put your hands up,don't even blink kid.

Laura - Move, you deuce bag (Mattie and Ian were skilling and mocking at them they thought they could escape)

Mattie - What's the problem officers ? (She was moving towards to Dani mocking her)

Dani - Stop, moving I'm not gonna say it again we'll start to shoot

Laura - Stop, moving it's your last chance

Ian- Why are you so mean ? Hahaha (Walking towards to Laura)

Mattie- You shouldn't have come.
Dani and Laura didn't understand how the hole thing started. Suddenly both of them started to shoot Mattie and Ian walking like they were in a walk to a park the bullets which flying everywhere didn't hit then not even touched them? WhileDani was preoccupied and chasing around Mattie, Ian started to shooting at Laura? Without wait dived behind a pile of woods to protect herself from the incoming fire; she reloaded and jump right back up continually shooting,in a split second she saw where those bullets coming from,but wait a minute that couldn't happened? Ian was controlling them with his hands? Laura was so surprised that she didn't dive in time and took 3 on the chest, she hit the floor hard but luckily she was wearing a vest.
Ian came above her and he was ready to finish her without any weapons? as she Laura saw. Even though she was hurt she didn't stop stare Ian right in the eyes; and just like that he left ? He disappeared ? What happened? Something scared him away. Laura tried to turn but she couldn't breath and then she saw HER, she saw the black haired Beauty but the most crazy it was that the Beauty noticed her too. She came towards her and kneeled next to her. Laura couldn't resist the bullets must have broke some of her ribs she just layed to her back waiting her end.

Laura- Who are you ? What are you doing ? (The woman noticing what was her injury and how bad it was) pls step away (Breathless)

Carmilla - Ssshhh, save your breath Laura (When Laura heard her deep voice just surrendered and stare her in the eyes).
And that's Carmilla Karnstein (aka Carm, aka Beauty, aka Kitty Cat) she very unique woman, capable for everything, for best and worst, classy and dynamic, kindhearted and cold hearted at same time, fearless, fast and very very strong.

Dani - Hey, get the hell away from her (Carmilla smiled at Laura and disappeared faster than the wind) officer down, I want back up and a ambulance ASAP at Bauler and Causer NOW. Laura ? Laura ? Can you hear me ? Don't you dare die Hollis

By that time Laura was unconscious, she couldn't breath anymore.
The ambulance arrived and took Laura to Markus Hospital.

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