7. The Return

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Carmillas Old Safe Place ....

Dani - Yeap, they were here not many days ago, id say two the most

Lieut. - there was a struggle but ended almost instantly. Now I'm 100 % sure that Carmilla is protecting Laura and all this her "abduction" i mean is just to keep her safe.

Kirsch - I think so too, come here take a look

Dani and Lieut. followed Kirsch to the kitchen.

Dani - What the hell ?

Kirsch - I found them in this bag, thats Lauras bag. I already processed them wiped them for firgeprints and took pictures you can examine them if you want .

Lieut. - Do we have any idea who's fingerprints are ?

Kirsch - Yes, In this IV,Gazes,clothes the finger prints were Carmillas and the blood is Lauras and in the glasses,spoons, plates are both. they definitely were here.

Dani - Ok, but why Laura needed a blood transfusion ?

Kirsch - That i don't know but i know that Carmilla did an amazing job in all this

Lieut and Dani - What do you mean ?

Kirsch - Well, i know Carmilla since i was a bby, i heard the stories that she is the reason for all this but believe me thats all lies.

Lieut - Well, Kirsch finish up here and when you return we will se you in my office, this is a big conversation

Kirsch - Yes, ma'am

Kirsch saluted and returned to his job, Lieut and Dani remained in the kitchen,they know that they were there until yesterday what happened and left in a harry? Why Laura needed blood transfusion ? Why they left at first place ?

So many questions but no answers they need to find them or to tell them somehow that they are in their side and they want to help.

Dani - Why do you want to talk to Kirsch ?

Lieut. - Bc you need to understand that Carmilla is not the enemy Dani, i know that you are having feelings for Laura but don't let your emotions and hate for Carmilla to blind you. you must understand that this is for the greater good and don't forget that Carmilla is the Daughter of Markus and want to over this curse she is in our side.

Dani - We'll see, if she want to help, better come with Laura here so we can help them why she took her ?

Lieut - For same reason you ask these questions, bc she doesn't trust us and to be honest she is right, we didn't do anything when we needed to. But now ? I totally trust her and I'm sure that they will return soon.

Dani - I'll have open mind when and if return

Lieut - Well thats a start Lawrence. Lets return then to see what we can do.

Both Dani and Lieut. got in the car and they returning to P.D.

Laura and Carmilla,working hard to learn Laura how to control her powers she was a quick learner and she already knew how to control her instant disappearance and her strength

Carmillas Safe House ....

Laura - Again Carmilla smiled and attacked again they both fighting like no tomorrow it was amazing . After awhile they both stopped and laughed so hard You look amazing when you are fighting

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