8.The Challenge

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Perrie returned the cameras on live mode again, all of them were quiet. They were relaxing their mind and put them in order so they can start the "Revolution".

Lieut. - Well ? Where have you been all these days ?

Laura - At Carm's safe houses

Carmilla - The first week we were at about half an hour away from here at Siran, but three days ago Ian attacked Laura. I was on the way to my "mom" when i realised that the only one will benefit from that intrusion was Ian then i returned right away, i found Ian on top of Laura, i lost it transformed and attacked some where in between the fight Laura grabs me and we transferred to my second safe house at Pray.

Dani - What ? How he managed to find you ?

Laura - When Carm's "mom" tried to infiltrate to her mind so they can find us, somehow i managed to stop her, lock her and free her out of our brain, in that time Ian saw a part of the house and knew where we are. He came in and i froze, tried to get away but he caught me then something pulled him away and the next thing i remember is that we are somewhere else and i did it i took us away.At first it didn't make any sense but now its a very different story she winked at Carm. I managed to get us there and learn a lot of my past, my grandma, my mom and my powers.

Laf - Powers ? What powers ? Laura thought that the showing would be easier so she pop disappeared and appeared behind Laf

Laura - Laf ? Im right here not there ... Laughing at Laf's face

Laf - But ? But ? How the hell ?

Laura - I told you found my powers, I'm not the Heir Of Justice just bc of my ancestors, i have my own powers Laf . She winked

Dani - You mean you know who you are ?

Laura - I found out these weeks, Carmilla helped me a lot to fit the puzzles and ofc now with my training so i can control them. I'm still learning, i can control some of them like the instant disappearing, the locking, the healing but some of them i still learning and practicing so i can be ready when the time comes.

Lieut. - Well, we all gonna be here if you need any help for your training so Carmilla can train too, i know you are powerful but with Carmilla together you will be unbeatable and unbreakable .

Laura - Thank you guys it means the world that you are with us. We can do this, ill give you my word that ill do what is necessary to break the curse and make Markus great again !!!

Carmilla - I promise you that ill give my life to save Markus and break that stupid curse i was responsible at first place

Perrie - Carm, how many times I'm gonna tell you that its not your fault ? that pathetic excuse for parents are responsible we are paying the price yes but its gonna be the last time. After we defeat that losers everything gonna change. Laf was looking at Perrie with open mouth. What happened and Perrie became so passionate and ready to Rock n' Roll ? What is it my love ?

Laf - Nothing, its just, that its the first time i see you and hear you to be so ready to Rock n'n Roll.

Perrie - Well, after our conversation showing Carmilla i decided to stop hiding and get involved more actively and i also told myself stop being scared. Im not alone i have a family to protect and to protect me so I'm almost ready to fight

Dani - Fight ? How ?

Perrie - I have some hidden aces In my sleeve, when the time comes you'll see it. Everyone, well except Carmilla bc she is the one who taught me

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