"Kirito!" was all he could hear when he stopped daydreaming. "Kirito, you need to pay more attention! What if we were in the dungeon?" Asuna asked. "Heh, sorry Asuna, guess I just blanked out for a second, won't happen again." Kirito mumbled as he came to his senses. They were just outside the dungeon of floor 53 and they were preparing to launch the final attack against the boss. "Alright guys, listen up" Kirito shouted. "This floor is home to the boss Draula, a vampire. He can levitate, and use magic, and well.. transform into a bat." Asuna shouted, beside him. "When everyone is ready, we will begin our attack!" Kirito said. The party entered the boss room, with Kirito and Asuna at the back. "Huh, where's the boss?" A few of the soldiers exclaimed. "Hm.. Something feels wrong Asuna." He said to Asuna, who was behind him. "Ah! Kirito help!" she screamed. Kirito spun around and immediately drew his sword. He saw Dracula with his hand around Asuna's mouth with a dagger in his hand, held against her throat. Kirito was overcome with rage, he readied his sword skill and jumped over Dracula, and struck him in the back. The pain caused him to release Asuna, but not before he slashed her throat. She fell to the ground, spluttering, as Dracula transformed into bats and disappeared. Kirito ran over to her, eyes tearing up. "A..Asuna.." "Kir-i-to.." Asuna spluttered, before her eyes fluttered shut and she disappeared. At this moment, Dracula reappeared and attacked the others who did their best to defend. "No...Asuna..I promised I would protect you...." Overcome with immense anger and hatred, Kirito drew his second sword, and then readied his dual wield skill. He screamed before sprinting at Dracula, swords in hand. He lunged at him, unleashing a flurry of attacks that rapidly diminished Dracula's health before finally screaming and stabbing Dracula through the throat. The boss died, disappearing and awarding the party with a victory. However, Kirito was in pain, the death of Asuna overwhelming his other thoughts. "Why did you have to leave.. Asuna.." Kirito was knelt down. Heathcliff walks toward Kirito. "Kirito, there may be hope. Rumours of an item that can resurrect a dead player within 24 hours. It's on the next floor. You can save Asuna, Kirito.
Kirito looked up at Heathcliff,before smiling and sprinting towards the door to the next floor.

Sword Art Online: Asuna's Death
ActionAs Kirito and Asuna tackle a dungeon, Asuna is slain while attempting to kill the boss. Kirito sets off to find a unique and rare item that could possibly revive Asuna.