Chapter One

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Your legs dangled over the edge of the rocky cliff. The salty water crashing against the mound of rock, the sound of the waves washing up on the sandy beach. It was a perfect day. Your brown loafers were set next to you. Footsteps were heard from behind.

"Don't try to stop me." you said, without turning around.

"Wasn't planning to." said a voice. A man in a purple hoodie with some kind of symbol came up and sat next to you. His lidded eyes looked distant.

"You too?" was all he muttered.

You gave a small nod, your eyes secretly watching his facial expression.

"Whats your name?" you ask.

"Matsuno Ichimatsu."

"Ah. I'm (L/N) (F/N)."

Ichimatsu hummed a response.

"Do you think anyone will miss you?" he asks.

You stiffened at the question, your eyes hazed with thought.

"P-Probably not. I haven't told my dad or little brother yet.. but I doubt they'll miss trash like me."

Ichimatsu glanced at you, his eyes having a sense of curiosity.

"Why do you call yourself trash, (Y/N)?"

You turned your head to him.

"I feel unwanted. All my 'friends' act like theyre there for me. But I can see it in their eyes, their tone of voice, the things they said behind my back. I guess it started weighing down on me when they finally left me like the trash I was."

Pausing, your eyes glittered with memory.

"What about you?"

The Matsu hummed and said, "Tch. I'm a sextuplet. Fourth born. Guess I'm pretty unlucky. They won't miss me, theres 5 more of me anyways. All I do is hangout with alley cats all day near trash cans like me."

Your felt anger bubble up.

"What do you mean they wont miss you?! You're not sextuplets if one is dead! Of course they would care! You're their brother! Don't you care about at least one of them?!" Unbeknownst to you, but small tears formed at your eyes.
"They're your brothers! Of course they would notice you're gone!" You whispered the last few words.

"I hate you, (Y/N)-neesan!"
"Why can't you get better grades?"
"I just hang out with her out of pity. I hope she disappears so I can hangout with you guys more."

You stood up.

"I-I'm going." you barely whispered as you walked off the cliffside.

You waited for the feeling of cold water, the saltiness stinging your lungs, but it never came.

Looking up you saw Ichimatsu holding your arm. He pulled you up and grabbed both of your shoulders, his eyes full with obsessiveness.

"Look, (Y/N), I know we just met, but want to make a deal?"

Sniffling a response, he continued.

"If you don't kill yourself, I won't. If you don't disappear, I won't. If you live, I'll live too. Deal?" his lidded eyes had a protective glint to them. You nodded, and hugged him. You sobbed into his shoulder as the waves crashed against the cliff.

"Trash" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now