Chapter Two

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After what felt like forever you pulled out from the hug.

"I-Ichimatsu.." you murmur.

You looked up and saw his eyes looking down at your tear stained face, his orbs glazed over as if he was looking at you the whole time. Blinking, he looked away, blushing furiously.

"Y-Yes, (Y/N)-chan?"

"C-Can we go to your house? I don't want to see my dad or my brother after what
j-just happened.."

You were still sniffling quite a bit, your voice wavering and cracking every now and then. Ichimatsu hesitated.

What if they're home? They're going to think shes my girlfriend! I cant bring her home! But she has nowhere to go!

The Matsuno got up and helped you up. With your head in the crook of his neck and his arm around your abdomen, he walked you to his home. All the while blushing furiously.

She's so c-c-cute..

When you and Ichimatsu arrived at his home, he let go of you and opened the door.

"I-I'm home, and I-I have a g-guest."

His mind was racing at what his brothers reactions would be. Taking your hand, he led you to a lounge-ish room, where you saw 5 more men that looked like Ichimatsu, except they had neater hair and different colored hoodies for each.
"Welcome home, Ichimatsu-niisa-" The pink matsuno looked up at the (H/C) haired girl clutching his older brothers hand.
"EHHHHHH?!" yelled the pink one. The rest of the Matsunos glanced up and had the same reaction.
"S-Sorry.." Ichimatsu whispered to you, his face flushed with embarrassment.
After the sound died down, you stepped forward a little bit, letting go of Ichimatsu.

"H-Hello.. my name is (L/N) (F/N)..n-nice to meet you.." you said, smiling a little bit.

"C-Cute..." the five said in unison.

A red Matsuno stood up and said,

"I'm Osomatsu!"

The others followed after in birth order.

"Hello, my Karamatsu girl~" The blue one said, as he got on one knee and held your hand before letting go.

"H-H-Hello, I am C-Ch-Choromatsu!"
Said the green one. His face was completely flushed.

"Hello!! I'm Jyushimatsu! Do you play baseball?" said a yellow one, his face in an open grin that never seemed to close.

"Hello! I'm Todomatsu! You're very pretty!" Said the pink one, who had been bold enough to shake your hand.

As they each introduced eachother, Ichimatsu had his fists balled up. His teeth gritted, his eyes in a fierce glare, which were mostly aimed at Karamatsu and Todomatsu.

How dare they touch her! I met her first! She's mine, and mine only!
'Do you really think she'll hangout with trash like you?'
She has to!
We made a promise!
'Do you really think she cares? What if she forgets?'

After they each introduced themselves, you glanced a Ichimatsu, who immediately changed his expression to a 'I dont care' with lidded eyes look.

"Ichimatsu s-saved me..when I was about to jump off the cliff and into the ocean.." you murmured.

You had your face to the floor, unable to stop blushing, your hands covering your face. You were enveloped by an embrace by Ichimatsu, your face in his chest, sobbing quietly. You couldn't see his face, but the purple Matsuno was sending a deathglare to his brothers, who stared in shock.

"(Y/N)-chan, go to the roof, I'll meet you up there.." Ichimatsu murmured. Nodding, you let go to go outside and climb to the rooftop.


My face twisted into one of pure anger and hatred. Grabbing Totty and Karamatsu by the collar of their jackets I whispered,

"Do NOT touch her again. Do not wink at her. Do not compliment her. Don't even talk to her."

My grip tightened at the thought of Totty getting her number, going to hangout with (Y/N). Her (E/C) eyes on his.. Osomatsu ripped my hands away from the two. "Don't tell her about this or you'll never see the next day." I spat as I left the room to go to the roof.


You waited on the roof, your knees close to your chest. The sun was setting. You had to go home soon.

"Isn't it nice?"

Ichimatsu sat down next to you, his lidded eyes focused on the horizon.

"Ichimatsu I have to go dad might get angry.."

The Purple Matsuno cast a sidelong glance at you.

"Can I walk you home?" he murmured.

You nodded, as you got up and walked down to the ground, Ichimatsu close behind. Surprisingly, your house wasn't that far. Maybe three, no two blocks? You clutched Ichimatsu's arm the whole time. You arrived outside your house.

"We're here.." you whispered, you eyes glittered with memory.

The matsu hummed a response.

"I'll.. L-Let's meet again! At the p-park tomorrow morning?" you said, your face a bright tint of crimson.


Ichimatsu nodded. Giving you a hug, he turned heel and walked away, his hands in his hoodie pockets. His face was in a goofy grin. You were just too cute...

"Trash" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now