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[ 03. CHAPTER THREE : SLEEP ALL DAY, PARTY ALL NIGHT : every now and then, i get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears.]


All Brooke could think about as she sat in Barb's car that was en route to Steve's house was her boobs. In the dress she'd picked to wear, they were basically spilling out of the tight material that covered them. The zipper couldn't even be fully pushed all the way up because of how small the torso of the dress had been made.

"I can't wait for this night to be over so I can fully breathe again." The orange-haired girl wheezed as she held a hand to her chest, unable to get her lungs to work fully. "Leather hardly ever works for me."

Nancy scoffed jokingly, looking back at the girl in disbelief. "Shut up. Leather is totally your thing."

Barb currently had the car parked three blocks away from Steve's house like Nancy had told her to. The ginger sighed as she looked between the two girls that sat in the car. She was jealous of how easily they had gone along with coming to a boy's house.

"This is so stupid. I'm just gonna drop you two off." Barb insisted and Brooke instantly protested, not wanting to lose the person she had planned to talk to for the entire night. She couldn't speak to Tommy or Carol since they wouldn't pull away from each other's throats for the entire night, and Steve and Nancy would be too busy flirting to strike up conversation with anyone else.

"Come on, Barb." Brooke whined, jutting out her lip in a pout. "You can't leave me as the fifth wheel."

"You promised you'd go." Nancy said, fixing the girl with a pointed stare. She would feel bad if her friend was left out of her activities. "You're coming. We're gonna have a great time."

Barb shook her head at her friend, loosening her grip on the steering wheel as her body deflated from the revelation that she couldn't escape the social situation. "He just wants to get in your pants."

"No, he doesn't." Nancy denied rapidly, her eyes filled with worry that that's the only reason he would invite her to his house.

"Nance, seriously." Barb raised her eyebrows in disbelief at her friend's naivety. "He invited you to his house."

"His parents aren't home." Brooke interjected, wiggling her eyebrows at the brunette. She knew that Steve definitely wasn't a virgin and that something was going to go down at his house.

"Come on, you are not this stupid." Barb sighed, expecting Nancy to see through the lothario's tricks easily.

Nancy shook her head at the ginger, sighing heavily. "Tommy H and Carol are gonna be there."

"And you think that's going to stop a man from leading you to his bedroom?" Brooke looked at Nancy with her eyebrows raised up high, scoffing lightly. The girl turned to her, furrowing her own eyebrows in confusion, wondering how Brooke knew so much about the topic.

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