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[ 04. CHAPTER FOUR : DEATH HAS COME TO YOUR LITTLE TOWN : if you say that you are mine, i'll be there till the end of time.]


The crisp Wednesday morning air caused Brooke to shiver as she laid on top of Jonathan's warm body, her bare back being exposed to the chill that was present in the room. Whenever his roaming hand moved away from her skin, the air would settle into her bones and cause her to hiss in discomfort. Jonathan's room was typically warm but he had forgotten to close his windows the night before and the damage was done.

Joyce's voice broke the comforting atmosphere that shrouded the young couple. Jonathan turned his head towards Will's vacant room, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Although Brooke was usually one to always jump to Joyce's side, she didn't want to move from where she was because it meant actually getting up. Jonathan gently shifted himself out from underneath the ginger, her body landing on the mattress gently. She couldn't help but whine softly at the loss of his warmth until the rest of the comforter was now pushed over her body and she simply got herself comfy again.

As her eyes fluttered closed, her brain started to replay a memory from a few months ago.


"You know I'm not much of a dancer." Jonathan smiled at his girlfriend as she stood next to his vinyl player, setting up one of the records so they could have a 'romantic moment'.

Brooke looked up from the player, smiling back at the chestnut-haired boy sat on his bed. "Well, the house is empty and maybe I want to have a nice slow dance with the man I love."

Jonathan wasn't surprised by the title she had given him since the two had been dating for well over seven months. They weren't public to the residents of their small town, only being known to their families. Neither cared, since they didn't need everyone to know their private business.

The dulcet tones of Elvis Presley flowed through the room and Brooke grinned widely, hauling Jonathan off his bed and into a standing position. He sighed dramatically before letting her direct his hands to where they needed to be. The two started to sway to the music, Jonathan's hand on her back moving slightly so he could bring her closer. Her forehead rested on her chest, feeling his heartbeat against it.

As the song descended into its ending, Jonathan slowly started to dip Brooke, grinning at her all the way. Her hand came to rest upon the nape of his neck, pulling his head towards hers to kiss him softly. Their kisses had hardly ever been passionate, their preference to take it slow always winning. At the same speed as he had dipped her, Jonathan pulled her back up to her original position, their bodies slotting together perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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