Niall Horan Imagine - The One For Me Part 4

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So there it is.Iam writing right now next pages.At night I'll do the extra long part (I hope) 'cause it's gonna be christmas.Just comment,vote for next part! Thank you.Going upload on YT too.


On Monday :

You finally resolved yourself to go out of this house and get back in school.You get on your uniforme,your glasses,your long blue socks,blue skirt,bluet-shirt.You just brushed your hair.Thats how you looked :

 (picture is on the right)

So you got out of your house.You were walking in streets.It is dark in the morning.Everytime.You almost forgot that Niall is living somewhere there but it surprised you when you saw him walking and without photographs.You fast got into a shadow so when he turned his head on your side you was hidden and he didn't seen you.When he turned his head he looked so sad.You wanted to go and talk to him but your enemy words stopped you and you stayed hidden in dark.He turned and kept walking.You quietly sighed.Then you realized you must go with him in the bus.So you got out of dark ,got out your enemy words and runned to say Hi to Niall.There was short distance and you saw his bag and his back.You screamed:

You: Niall!Wait on me! And you put smile on your face.

He turned on you and you when you was so close to him you stopped.Still with FAKE smile on your face.His face started to be bright and you saw sparkle in his eyes.He started to smile.

Niall:/Your name/!Whats going on?Why the hell you haven't been in school?!I've missed you! He said.You smiled on his last words.

You : I weren't feeling good sorry! You say while rubbing your back head. Can we go on bus now?I doesn't wanna be late. And you smile again.

Niall : Oh yeah we would be in trouble. He was smiling.I could say that he was literally shining.

You : Yea.Iam nerd I can't be in trouble! You say and you both laugh and start fast walking on bus.I was talking with Niall in bus but everytime that I realize that this is the last time that I will talk to him I was a little bit sad.I was trying not to think so much about it.

He was talking about something but I wasn't paying so much attention.But hen I realize what he said.

Niall : It's great to have friend like you. And he smiled.

I was in shock.I was looking on him.On his face,his eyes.He gets me as a friend.I don't know why I was in shock.But from him it sounded so true.I was staring on him 'till bus stopped.We got out and Niall said that he must go and return something to some guy.I was okay with that.So he left me before school.When he left I was looking around If I will not see /your enemy name/.I haven't seen her so I tooked walk into school.I think Niall will expect that I will stay there and wait on him but I can't.I can't talk to him anymore.It was nice but she would hurt me so bad.Mentally and more physically.I can't go trough it all over again.Iam sorry Niall.

I moved.I walked into school and walked where was my chiffonier.I putted my head up and I stopped walk.I saw her and her gang lean on my chiffonier.My heart started to beat more I started to sweating more and I was breathing faster and faster.Everything was getting stronger when I started walk to my chiffonier.When they saw me everybody had smile on their faces.I standed infront of my chiffonier and started to unlock it./Your enemy name/ started with smile on her face...

Her : Welcome back /your name/.You know what?I missed you... she started laugh like devil.Nobody was paying attention.If they would look it wouldn't ended good.

Her : You know Iam kidding right? She whispered in my ear. I nodded.When I opened my chiffonier she punched into it so she closed it.Her hand was holding your chiffonier closed.You didn't wanted to be in trouble so you were just listening what she was saying.

Her : I hope you remember what I said to you on Tuesday.Don't talk with Niall.If he will get you as a friend or something more. She smirked I will make your life in this school hell.Get it? She said.Then she pushed you on your chiffonier and asked more loud Get it?! She was angry.She pulled you so strong that your glasses almost fell.You screamed I get it!I get it.. Then more quietly.She let you go and left you alone.Everybody was acting like nothing happened and that was making you angry.You wanted to cry but you was trying not to cry.You opened your chiffonier and get some stuffs from there.But even if you tried so hard there were some tears that got out.You fast wiped them away.You lock your chiffonier.You are standing there for a while and taking deep breaths.You looked around nobody was looking.When it got better you was about to walk to your class.But then there came ring.You was going in your class when somebody grab your shouled.You turned on him.It was Niall.Behin him walked /your enemy name/ with her gang and she was denoting to me to let him be.You looked back on Niall.

Niall : What happened to you? He said and touched your cheek.Your hormons got crazy and your heart started to beat so fast.Buterflyes was flying in your stomach.You was sweating.It was like time stopped.It started to be warm ,no so hot there.Then everything got to normal but not you.It all was still going.You started to breath faster.But you were trying to breath quiet not make Niall know anything.You got back into reality.

Niall : Hey /Your Name/ what happened to you?Somebody punched you? He said.You fast tossed his hand from your cheek and you said quietly pessing books on your chest

You : Don't touch me. Then you turned back and walkend fast in class.Teacher wasn't there yet.You sat down on chair.Put your books on table and start drawing into your note.You look where was Niall standing.

He was standing there confused.Then he finally started walk.He came in class and walked to our table.He sits down.Sayng nothing.Teacher camed in excusing for comin late.You and Niall weren't talking.You was ignoring him.Actually you were trying to ignore him.Sometime you were watching straight into his eyes.But then you turned your head and stopped that connect.Your BF was so confused but you werent paying so much attention to her.But you still wanted to change your style.You had chance.Once you was watching video where was a not-pretty girl.In the end she turned into a beautiful girl.So I have chance too!

In school was so boring that you was about to sleep.You and Niall was still at the same position.Not talking.

Everybody was going on lunch but you weren't you weren't hungry.You was walking round man toilets when suddenly some man hand pulled you in man toilets.

*Byeee and Merry Christmas!

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