Thirteen: Lonely Snake

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This is a story about a lonely snake

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This is a story about a lonely snake. Just cos he's a venomous snake and lives in the hood, doesn't mean he ain't got good personality. Y'all scared of snakes. Snakes are more scared of you. They have real feelings unlike ya fake tots sweet and a complete angel sent from heaven when yer face to face but behind you she fukkin Kenneth the flip flop dealER WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME CANDICE??!!!! YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME! WHY AM I LYING ON THE BROKEN PIECES OF MY HEART, CANDICE?! YOU SAID I WAS YOUR DADDY. I DIDNT KNOW YOU GOT A STEP FATHER TOO WAT DA FUK—

(Daddy Helios after 5 hours of Celine Dion shuffle mix, a tub of pop cola and 30 pcs Chicken McNugget, Greek yoghurt and masculine soup from the eyes)

That's Medusa if y'all hadn't known. She felt sorry for the snake because it was all alone in the woods with nobody, just like her ;-;. Stupid ass Poseidon.

Hope you guys liked it. This book obviously shows everything I learned from Design School and as you all can see, I'm very talented and creative. This is the best that I can do. There's nothing more. It's like when Candice screams "DEEPER MANG" and I'm like   "┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌"

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