V - The Wild Side Pt 1

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- Marks POV -

We returned home by 2:50, a little later than expected, but at least we had a plan for what we were gonna do, and the supplies to do it.
While we walked, it seemed like Jack was opening up, but still holding back. I know gaining his trust will be hard, but not impossible.

"I wanted to ask, what happened to your parents? Since you're living with your aunt and uncle." Jack questioned, I turned to him.

"I don't like talking about it." I said, my voice low and monotone.

"I'm just really curious.." He said, pressuring me on. I looked over to him with a glare, his eyes widened and he looked to the ground.
"I'm sorry..." He apologized, his voice almost trembling. I felt bad.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just.. that story isn't exactly something on my list to tell people. Maybe in the future though." I gave a weak smile, and he returned it. We kept on walking, making jokes and talking, planning what we were gonna do.

"Oh, welcome back! Whatcha get?" My aunt questioned, Jack smiled.

"We got yarn, fabric, and stuffing." Jack replied.

"We'll be upstairs." I said, my aunt nodded, and we continued to my room. I opened the door and walked over to my bed, I dropped the bags I was previously holding and flopped onto the bed, watching out for our book bags. Jack looked around, then sat in my net chair, sinking to the bottom. His eyes widened as he sunk in, I laughed.
"Never sat in one of those?" I questioned, he nodded.

"I didn't expect to sink so fast." He said, laughing.

"You get use to it." I told him. He smiled and relaxed in the chair.
"Also, we don't need to work on the project today, we have a whole month to work on it."

"Are you sure? It's better to get things finished early."

"We can get it finished early, we'll just work on it tomorrow, since tomorrow's Saturday."

"Then what do we do now?" He asked, curiosity glistened in his eyes.

"I'll show you." I said, smirking. I got off the bed, grabbed 2 empty book bags, my black hoodie, and fully opened my window, the screen already knocked out. I pointed out the window, and looked to him.
"We escape." He looked confused.

"Can't we use the front door...?" He said, I shook my head.

"You can't live like a goodie-to-shoes your whole life, you need to have some fun, and I'll show it to you." I said, holding out my hand. He hesitated as he came over, and finally told my hand, giving me a weak smile.
"And just promise, to have trust in whatever I do, and to listen." I instructed, he nodded.
"Now, sit on the window sill, and hold on to my arm tightly, I'm going to lower you onto the first story roof below, wait for me to drop down." He looked scared, but he nodded. I looked to him with a reassuring smile, and Jack did as I said. He gripped tightly onto my arm and hand, and it was a good thing he was light, or else I would have dropped him. His feet finally touched the roof and I let go. I swung my foot out the window and grabbed the window sill, lowering myself, careful not to drop. I finally felt the roof at my feet and let go of the window sill, then looked to Jack.
"Now, we just jump. Make sure to bend your knees when you land." I said, his eyes widened as he looked over the edge, then he snapped his eyes shut and backed himself up against the wall, heavily breathing. I quickly walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you scared of heights..?" I asked, he nodded quickly.
"Then I'll jump down first, and I'll catch you, remember, you have to trust me, ok?" He opened his eyes, and hesitated, but he nodded. I went to the edge of the roof and dropped down, the impact made my ankles sting, and I took a few steps to ease them.
Jack slowly walked to the edge, looking over, where I was holding out my arms. He weakly smiled, then took a deep breath. He walked to the very edge, and dropped, where I caught him, almost falling over in the process.

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