A Grave

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They sky was a mixture of yellow and blue. The sun was a huge yellowish ball that was slowly advancing upwards and upwards. The crescent shape moon was advancing downwards and downwards, slowly fading away, looking like a ghost.I crossed my legs and sat on Aunt Millie's front porch, sketching a picture of a mother bird feeding her chicks on a nest in one of the nearby trees. It looked good, in my point of view, it was stunning. I closed my sketch book after I detailed it a little bit more and scanned the are for the next thing to draw. Trees? Leaves? Flowers? Scenery? I suggested in my head, but nothing seemed interesting, if only there were another animal, like a cat or dog! I sparked a huge interest in drawing those animals, they looked so pretty in drawings.

I decided to try and do a scenery of the road and the picnic table. I pictured it and started drawing the picnic table. When I finished, I looked up to draw the details of the road. Something made me drop my pencil in shock, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. On the road, stood a little girl, about ten years old. "Hello..." She greeted. Her voice was mysterious, she had eye bags under her eyes which made her look like a panda, her black hair was tied into to high pigtails with pink ribbons, her green eyes shone the most on her face, she was pale, as pale as sheets. She was wearing something that looked like a nightgown, a dress with a U-shape collar under it was a small pink ribbon, her dress was until her  shins, it was designed with small flowers, she wore grey stockings and black shoes. In her hand she held a doll, it was like a rag doll, it had blonde hair which was made of yarn, a blue button for an eye, the other one probably fell of, it had a pink dress, white stockings and black shoes. Her sewn on smile was nearly not a smile, the thread was all coming loose.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand, I thought no one else is supposed to live or be here. It's Aunt Millie's land! But maybe she lived somewhere else and got lost.
"Hello..." I greeted back.

"Play with me please." She pleaded. She stepped closer and made me feel like running through the door then slamming it shut. She reached out her pale short hand. I did not want to be rude and run inside, she was probably just lonely. I took her hand and stood up and she took me deeper and deeper into the forest.

"I'm... Clarissa.... What is your name....?" I asked in a low tone, but very wearily.

She smiled." I am Rose." She introduced, sounding a little robotic.

"Nice name." I commented.

"Thanks." She thanked me.

"Ah. Here we are!" She exclaimed, finally sounding like a child.

We were like no where, the surrounding were just trees, an occasional bush, plants and just flora, there was not an animal in sight. The trees were all the same, all pine trees of similar height. The leaves all a deep dark green. I stared at the girl, her eyes were shining brightly, reflecting me in her black pupils. I chuckled nervously saying it was a beautiful place. She smiled at me and pointed to a tree. This tree was slightly taller than the rest, there were axe marks all over it and a faded eye marking. Strange. I went closer, letting go of Rose's hand. I advanced on step of the time towards the pine tree. The pebbles on the ground crackled loudly as I walked over them. One was so huge it even nearly made me trip. But there was something weird about that rock or pebble I nearly tripped on, I bent down on my knees and felt all the leaves and dirt on the ground stick to my bare legs, I should not have been bending down just wearing jeans that exposed my knees.

The rock was big and quite close to the tree, the closest of all the rocks and pebbles, it had a strange drawing on it. A drawing of an eye in red...I immediately stood up and dusted all the dirt and leaves on my legs. And I nearer to the tree. The ground was so shaky and I fell in! I let out a shrill scream at the top of my lungs but Rose didn't even help.

I began to cry, I was trapped, I was desperately trying to climb out. I saw Rose's figure through the blur of my tears. "Thanks for helping!" I cried out of joy. But she just smiled. "Nah." She said. The ground grew back and there was no hole.

"HELP!" I screamed, but nobody was going to here me. I then remembered I always carried my little flashlight around with me cause I was a little scared of the dark. If only I had known that it was better to be in the darkness than have light.

I rummaged through my jacket pockets and found my mini flashlight. I clicked the little button at the bottom and the light shone at in the darkness.

I saw something that shocked me to near death, it scared the hell out of me. I saw a body. It was not really a body though, it was a skeleton with clothes on. The clothes had numerous holes and was clearly eaten and decaying. The skeleton was missing some bones, on the skull there was a huge hole.

I pinched my nose at the smell. And tried to stay away from the sides of dirt as it was crawling with bugs like beetles, millipedes, centipedes and who knows what other kinds of bugs. My heart was banging against my ribcage so hard that for a few moments I thought it will pop out of my chest.

There was something touching my back, I thought it was a creepy-crawly so I was too scared to look as I had a phobia of them. But I heard a voice...

"This will happen to you soon, but not now, I'm saving the best for last..." It chuckled.

I was screaming on the inside. What the... I felt my head hit against the dirt. I landed on the ground so hard that I hurt my back.

"OUCH!" I cried as I watched the hole before me quickly close, I was freaking out. Where was I? I was terrified. A creature like thing stared at me. It's eyes, they were just white dots. It looked like the one in my room, but this one was more Human like.... It had Long, jet black hair that fell on its shoulders, it had razor sharp teeth, blood dripping from it's eyes, its body twisting in that grotesque manner, it had a hole in it's chest, just a gaping hole, nothing in it... On the other side, a faint light was emitted from her chest. I heard whispers like "Help me..." or "Save yourself!" Or "Run!". From that things head emerged two horns, it got closer to be in the most odd way, twisting it's arms and legs. I felt like throwing up at its stench, my heart was beating out of my chest. "Soon..." I screeched, it's voice, a mixture of a million voices. It swung its hand towards my face and jabbed it's fingernail into my left eye. I screeched out in pain before I was sitting out on the porch, facing the door, my eye was fine!


"CLARISSA ISABELLE FYLNN! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Aunt Millie yelled in a voice of anger and concern.

"I got lost in the ummm forest cause I was trying to sketch this fox which was running away..." I lied.

Apparently I was gone for like seven hours and missed lunch. I sheepishly went to eat up my mashed potatoes and beans. Then went up to my room for punishment. But who was that girl? How did the ground grow back so quick? WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT THING? Those were questions I was asking myself.

"Sissy!" I heard Amy call. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Rose wants you to come to our tea party!" She invited. Rose! What the hell! How did she know Rose?!

"Who's Rose?" I asked

"Don't lie! She told me you were in the forest with her!" Amy said firmly.


Hey guys! Thanks for all the support! I need some help for like umm characters. So you can suggest some in the comments! Send the details and age please! Thanks! BTW(by the way) I broke my previous 822 words record, it's now 1494 words! YAY! #newrecord.  LOL! Thanks again! 41 views. XD!

Lots of Love,

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