Haunted House Gone Wrong

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"Come on!" Luana cheered, swaying her hands to Iris and me.

We ran after her and into the building. There were lots of students dressed up as non-scary stuff. Bernice(my classmate)dressed up as a unicorn, George( my junior)dressed up as a spider and Angie dressed up as a ghost in a white sheet and two holes for her to see. I mean like that's so a million years ago!

"Student pass please!" Someone asked, it was our teacher, Mrs Jonathan, she was in charge of the VIP row for the haunted house. We flashed our student pass before going in.

It was pitch-black dark, then a dim light flickered. Then the light went back off. There were sound effects off creaking doors, creepy-crawlies and Singing. BANG! A light flashed and revealed the wall which was splashed with blood and a fake human head on the floor. "Not scary!" We mumbled.

"BOOO!" Sara, one of the seniors screamed, she was headless. Make up, duh.

"Haha... Didn't scare me Sara!" I chuckled, knowing her voice.

In the next room. The door opened with a creak and it was the Science Lab. Mr Heff, the Science professor was a mad scientist who was standing over Mickey, the head of student counsel, who was lying on the table stomach-down with fake blood covering him. Fake intestines and mush splattered everywhere.

After many more 'jump-scares' and lame scenes... Iris let out a sigh.

"I guess we're done! So lame!" Iris commented with a frown.

I gazed at the next door, the exit. It was room with a "YOU'RE FINISHED! SCARED NOW!?" Sign put up. No, we weren't scared. Everyone chuckled, and giggled. Suddenly, the lights went out. "Haha... All part of the plan to scare us!" Luana insisted.

The heat of the room was gone, it was like it was as cold as the North Pole. I felt a cold sensation  on my back, on my legs and hands. The cold air brushed up against my face and tons of dots of goosebumps appeared on my hands. I shivered ad all the hairs on my body except for my Long hair on my head rose.

My heart was pounding, it could never be this cold. Not even with the AC. At that moment, I glanced around the room and could make out a shadow... It was a woman... She had Long hair, her arm, outstretched, stretched towards me... Creak... "Oh hey Luana, Iris, Clarissa!" A familiar voice greeted us. It was Emma, she was a year older.

"Hey!" We replied nervously, as soon as we said that we left the room. Strange thing was that the room was not cold anymore when Emma opened the door.


My phone, but it was an unknown number.... Who could it be?

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