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"It's so dusty!" Jessica coughed. I sniffled as the feisty dust mites crawled up our noses. I flicked on my torchlight and scanned around the room. Pointing the flashlight up, the light revealed a lightbulb, there was a little spark inside on the tungsten, I was afriad it was fused! I pulled the cord that was next to it and the room lit up with the light. "Thank you Thomas Edison..." I muttered under my breath. I should have saved my thanks, the light slowly flickered off as though it was slowly teasing us in a childish voice,"haha!It's fused! Hahaha! ." Jessica gripped my hand and I flicked the
flashlight again. "Look!" She cried. I looked at where she was pointing and shone the light on it. There were books of ghosts and demons aligning the shelves. Below were glasses full of organs. I felt the vomit in my mouth and swallowed it, it was gross. I spotted a baby with a tiny head in a jar. I freaked out, she was evil, that poor baby. I looked on and saw that on the floor there were two big chests labelled with names, the names of my parents! I felt tears fall out of my eyes, my aunt may have murdered my parents...

"Oh my God..." Jessica exclaimed. She found her father's chest, we were too curious, curiosity kills, we forgot and opened the chests. It was full of preserved organs which looked and smelled gross. We shut the chest and heard the most spine-chilling, blood curling and gruesome sound ever... "Clarissa... Jessica..." A voice called us. Ot was deep and dry sounding like it was angry. I raised my hands in the air to make it like a surrendering pose to show Aunt Millie we knew we where caught. "Guess who is it!!!!" The voice squealed.

"Amy?" I asked.

"Wrong. Rose." She replied.

We walked closer to the Rose for some reason and a sense of fright made me grip tighter on my flashlight, afraid that it might just fly out of my hand. I squinted my eyes through the tears, but there was nobody, just dusty boxes and spiderwebs. "WHERE ARE YOU!" I screamed. "Guess!" It squealed.

"We have no time to play your stupid game!" Jessica yelled. I looked on into the darkness. I felt a sensation on my palm, it was burning, I jumped and let go of the flashlight and it fell on the floor smashing into bits. "NOOOO!" Jessica yelled. I felt an arm press against my shoulder. "Jessica let go!" I said. "It was not me!" Jessica shuddered. I freaked out and my heart skipped a few beats. I turned to my side to see Rose, but her eyes were glowing and her mouth was a gaping hole that was forming a grin. I couldn't escape. Jessica tugged my hand, but Rose dragged both of us away, somewhere...

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