The Alpha's Mate is a Tomboy | Chapter Eleven Part Two

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This chapter is dedicated to @ChatLikesNirvana because she's just sweet. 😊


"Why on earth are you wearing his clothes?" He asked angrily,

Cole and I looked at each other,

'What do we do?'

'Run?' Cole asked,

'You know he will only get angrier if we did that.'

"This is why your scent smelled different and disgusting," Ash added, glaring at Cole.

'Do you wanna test if he really knows that you two are mates?'

'Of course, I do.'

"I'm sorry if I lied, I was just hanging out with my girlfriend and she was not really in the mood to have any company because she's suffering because of shark week," Cole said with a smile, looking at me lovingly.

When I looked at Ash he was on the verge of shifting.

Oh shit! What did Cole get himself into?


"Since when did she become your girlfriend?"Ash asked angrily,

When I saw Ash's eyes start to change their color I hurriedly went to his side. I sat beside him on the bed and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Ha-ha-ha really nice joke Cole," I said before faking a laugh. I even went as far as burying my head into Ash's neck to hide my fake laughter.

My mom always buries her head on my father's neck to calm him down so hopefully, this will work.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist and tensed.

Shit! How much current or was it voltage, does it take to make someone infertile because I know the sparks that run through my body are probably enough to make me barren.

Cole finally faked a laugh and patted Ash in the back.

"Just joking bro. But really, Hales is still suffering from her shark week that was why she ditched school and since no one was going to take care of her, I decided to ditch school as well to take care of her and to accompany her." Cole said as he sat beside Ash, on the other side.

Ash still looked mad as he looked at me, then Cole, and back at me again. He looked at me from head-to-toe and glared at the clothes that I was wearing.

I smiled nervously and faked a laugh again.

"I can't believe you would joke about something like that Cole. Ha-ha-ha."

"Sorry Hales, but you gotta admit it was really funny. You know, me and you dating." Cole said before he tried to laugh. Which sounded more like an old goat by the way.

I was about to say something stupid again when my stomach growled loudly. I quickly retracted my arm on Ash's shoulder to hold my growling tummy.

"Is that part of the shark week or part of your stupidity for forgetting to eat?" Ash asked angrily, pulling me closer to him.

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