The Time Lady is Back - Chapter 6

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xX It's now time for... The wedding invitations delivery!!! Isn't that so exciting? xD I'm joking with you all. Come on, let's READ this chap!!! Xx

Chapter 6

Sophie's P.O.V.

 The Doctor ran around the console pressing buttons and pulling levers as Rory and Amy tried not to fall while I saw on the guest list who we would deliver the invitation to first.

          The Doctor: So, who's first?

          Sophie: Hmm... Craig and Sophie. - I said and he typed in the keyboard and pulled a lever.

The TARDIS landed with a big shake and then I got out with the invitation in my hand. I putt it in front of the door, pressed the doorbell and ran back to the TARDIS. We need to be fast with the deliveries, so there's no time to say hello.

Craig's P.O.V.

I was cooking lunch for Sophie who is probably coming back home right now from job. Suddenly, when I was putting the food in the oven, I heard the doorbell ringing. Has Sophie forgotten the keys once again?

I looked around the living room and the kitchen but didn't see her keys so I walked right away to the door to see who it was. I opened the door and saw no one. Before I closed the door I looked down and saw an envelop on the floor. I grabbed it and opened it, finding inside this white paper with dark pink flowers.

          Craig: Sophia Catherine Jackson and the Doctor request the honor of your presence... - I began to read to myself as I went back inside - At their marriage. - I read and my eyes opened wide and my mouth slowly formed a big grin. Suddenly the door opened.

          Sophie: Craig, I'm home! What is that thing on your hand? - she said about the invitation and I showed it to her - No way... - she said with a smile.

Sophie's P.O.V.

We got in and the TARDIS began to materialize. I wrote a check mark in front of Craig and Sophie's names.

          The Doctor: Next?

          Sophie: Let's make Jack the third one. - I said with a smile and the Doctor nodded as he pulled a lever and the TARDIS flew to Torchwood where Jack is now.

The TARDIS landed and I got out finding this woman with black hair and light eyes sat in front of a secretary with computers.

          Sophie: I'm sorry. Do you know where Jack is? - I said and she turned around surprised.

          ???: Who are you? Wait, is that the TARDIS? - she asked pointing to the TARDIS behind me.

          Sophie: Yeah, it is. I'm Sophie, a friend of Jack. Look, I'm in a hurry, could you give him this when you see him? - I said giving her Jack's invitation and she nodded - Oh, and if you want, you can come to. - I said with a smile as I went inside the TARDIS.

Gween's P.O.V.

          ???: Oh, and if you want, you can come too. - the young woman said as she got inside the TARDIS.

          Gween: Wait, come to what? - I asked but she had already got in and the TARDIS began to materialize. Suddenly Jack came in. - Jack, the TARDIS appeared and this girl got out and gave me this envelop. She told me to give it to you. - I said as I gave him the paper.

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