Chapter Eleven: You Never Learn

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My muscles were beyond sore as my heavy eyelids lifted, the sunlight barely shining through the window due to the black curtains blocking it out.

"Glad to see your awake Angel." Soft lips pressed against mine, making me fully awake, I was about to push him off but I realised he had not yet untied my limbs from the bed frame, leaving me completely at his mercy.

"Harry can you untie me please?" My voice was hoarse from crying or so long and my throat was dry from my lack of liquids in the past 24 hours.

"Mmmm I don't know. You look so...fuckable all tied up like this." He paused to lick his lips and trail his dark eyes down my barely covered body.

I couldn't help but gasp in disbelief and disgust at his crude statement, he was so blunt about it. Why does he have to be so perverted?

"Please Harry?" I pleaded eager to escape the confinements of the itchy rope.

"Damn, I love it when you beg." He took the piercing in between his teeth as his eyes turned from a dark jade to an almost blackish colour.

None the less he answered my plea's by stretching over and undoing the ropes bounding my limbs to the wood.

"Thank you." I sighed in relief as I was finally able to stretch my incredibly sore muscles. His eyes watched my carefully the entire time I stretched, mostly lingering on my breasts as I arched my back.

"Are you hungry Princess?" He held out one massive hand for me to take as he lifted himself off of the bed, a gesture I declined. Despite my rejection towards his hand, he clasped mine in his rough and warms one, intertwining our fingers together harshly.

I couldn't help but roll my golden eyes at his mood change, he basically started to drag me behind him and into the kitchen where two plates of waffles and fruit sat on the white granite countertops.

"After this you can get a shower." He not so much as asked me but informed me, not that I was objecting a shower, it's just the fact he thinks he can boss me around.

I hate to admit it, but he is an amazing cook! My mouth was practically watering as I scarfed down every single crumb of the soft waffles. It was quite uncomfortable for me though, because Harry had finished before me and the entire time I was finishing the food on my plate his green eyes never left me.

"How was it Princess?" He took my plate to the dishwasher as soon as I had shovelled the last forkful into my mouth.

"Really good." I praised him, being completely honest. This small little compliment sent a dimpled smile across his face, I would have swooned over such a bright and perfect smile, if I didn't know how much of a psychotic kidnapper he is.

"Harry?" He turned away from the sink, waiting for me to continue on asking my question.

"What is this?" I pointed to the metal collar-like thing that was still tightly pressed to the skin of my neck.

"Like I said, something that is going to help you be a good girl until you prove to me you don't need it anymore and I can trust you." He repeated his exact words from last night with a somewhat mysterious smirk plastered in his face.

"Yeah, but what does it do?" I put emphasise on the word 'do' so he knows I meant how it keeps me from being a 'bad girl'.

"Hopefully you will never find out." He replied vaguely, the smirk growing even bigger at my annoyed reaction.

I rolled my eyes at his insufficient answer and hopped off of the high black barstool and onto the freezing marble floor, a mistake on my part considering I had absolutely nothing on my feet, or the rest of my lower half.

"Can I get in the shower now?" I eagerly asked, padding into the living room where the floor was slightly warmer from the sunlight shining through the windows.

He nodded and proceeded to lead me upstairs by my hand and into the same bathroom I was in yesterday.

"Thanks." I was standing by the stall waiting for him to exit so I could shower in peace, yet he completely surprised me when started to pull his shirt over his mop of curls, revealing even more tattoos than what was usually visible.

"W-What are you doing?" His belt started to clink as he removed it from the black belt loops and dropped it on the cold black tiles.

"Getting in the shower with my girlfriend." He winked at me as he started to remove his black skinny jeans, looking at me expectantly.

"No!" I half groaned and half shrieked at him, mostly referring to the showering together but also to the reference of me being his girlfriend.

"Babe, don't worry. We'll save shower sex for a different time. For now we just have to get clean." He winked at me disgustingly as his fingers hooked into the waistband of his black Calvin Klein boxers.

I immediately adverted my eyes so he wasn't in my line of vision as the last article of clothing on his body was removed.

"Princess." His voice indicated he was closer than he was before, maybe two feet away from my tense body, the heat was radiating off of his body.

"Strip for me." I gasped at the feeling of his warm breath washing over the hot skin on my neck and his callused hands pulling me closer to his chest.

I struggled to push away from him and not look at him in fear of seeing his naked form, but with my eyes being closed and his immense strength put together it was useless.

"P-please Harry." I whimpered as he started to lift the black fabric over my body, but he paused mid-way after my plea.

"Kitten. It's going to happen eventually, it's only a shower." There was uncertainty in his voice, as though he was debating what to do. Perfect, maybe if I keep playing the innocent and pleading card he'll leave me the hell alone.

"Harry please don't make me do this." I forced tears out of my eyes and looked into his emerald orbs, clinging to him in a scared embrace. I tried my best to keep our lower parts from touching but when he put his hands on my back pushing me further into him I had no choice.

"Shhhh. Okay princess, don't cry, please don't cry. I'll leave you alone so you can shower, I'm going to put clothes out on the bed for you alright?" His tone was gentle as he rubbed small circles on my back trying to comfort me, completely buying into my act.

I nodded solemnly even though on the inside I was practically screaming with joy, I can't believe he bought it!

He shut the door behind him and I scurried to lock for in the case he decided to change his mind.

I ran the water so he was sure not to hear me as I slid the window open with ease, ready to jump down onto the slick grass.


I can't go running around without any pants on!

Harry's clothes still lay on the floor from when he was previously in here so I took hold of his black boxers slipping them on over the black lace.

I didn't even feel the impact as my feet collided with the dewey ground, running off of adrenaline and happiness.

I took off in the direction of the grassy plains, no roads in sight, so that must be a better option than the dark and dense forrest.

I can't believe I'm finally going home! My mom's probably so worried about me, fretting and having panic attacks for the past three days.

My vision blurred as my body collapsed on the ground, twitching violently as my hands immediately clasped around the source of this pain to try and pry it away from my body.

The electrical current being sent through my body stopped and I struggled to regain my breathing, I was literally frozen on the ground, for some odd reason my limbs would not do what my brain instructed.

So that's why when his towering figure loomed over me with the biggest smirk imaginable, I didn't run.

"You never learn."

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