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Mia  Geneva

As time passes by, my feelings for you grows stronger. I'm not really sure how long I can still take all of this. But you're out of my limit, out of my league, just a dream. For what can the boyish nerd do to have the boy-next-door?


It's finally the day before classes. August 7, Sunday evening. Oh, how I love going to school. I was finishing up arranging my bag for tomorrow and hanging my outfit when my phone rang, frightening me a little and slightly making me jump. I got up from my position at the end of my bed and placed my backpack down beside my bed. I picked up my phone and answered.


"Uh- Hey. Is this Mia? Mia Geneva?" I can't believe my ears, it was him, Alexis Reyes. The One and Only.

"Uh-yeah ye-yeah. It's me. Can I help you with anything?"

"Um, It's me, , you know, the captain-ball of the basketball team, and president of Math Club? We go to the same school. I kinda need tutor for this school year, since ya know, I don't really want to fail, are you up for it?"

"Yeah, I know you, But. Uhm. Well, actually, I'm not sure. But, I'm happy to help. So I guess I'm your tutor."

"Really? Cool, see you tomorrow yeah? By the Library, after classes. Thank you Mia! You're a life saver. Bye."


My long time crush, actually called me right? God I sound so GIRLY, ew.

I sounded disgustingly girly. Its gross, really. But anyways, I fell asleep with a huge smile on my ugly face. I am genuinely happy though.

The next morning, I woke up pretty early like usual, 6 o'clock sharp. I quickly got out of the comfort of my Star Wars bed. I headed to my bathroom, and turned the shower on, to get the perfect temperature. And when it was, I got in. The phone conversation last night kept replaying in my head. I still can't believe it happened though. He freaking called me a lifesaver, the School's most popular guy and the most handsome and hot I may add.

Ew, my girly mind is taking over. Nope, not happening. Not today.

After showering I got into my outfit. Which involved, my undergarments like duh. Blacked ripped skinny jeans and Midnight Memories shirt, and my one and only choker. Oh and, my favorite pure black converse.

I headed downstairs to see my mom and dad, dancing in the kitchen. Like ew, its early in the morning what the freak? Insert a disgusted look.

I cleared my throat, but it still wasn't enough to get my parents' attention. I cleared my throat again, much louder this time, causing me to choke on my own saliva. That surely caught their attention.

"Sweetie? What do you need?" My mom said, drawing away from my dad. "Stop Dancing, flirting and doing cheesy sh*t, for the love of god, its 6 in the morning." I sassily said, quite proud of my remark. "Watch your language, Mia." My dad glared at me but ended up laughing. Somewhere in between, me and mom laughed along. After a laughing session, I quickly ate breakfast and headed upstairs to wake up my sleeping ugly troll like brother.

"Hey. Ren. Wake the fuck up..." I said shaking him a bit. He just groaned in reply. "Oh C'mon! Your late..." I said once more. "Fine." He said with his very whiny voice, which is so damn annoying. When I saw him stand up and head to his bathroom, I went to my room to get my things. I grabbed my bag my phone and my flannel shirt, and wrapping I around my waist. When I got downstairs, I grabbed my car keys and drove to school.

When I arrived, I parked at my normal spot, and went outside to be met by the warm air of August. I was about to enter the school doors when I saw Alec, standing by the doors. Not only that, he was with my friends. Joshua Stevens, Marc Gabriel, and Philip David. Not only that, he was laughing along with them. Tell me, since when were they close?

I slowly headed toward my friends and my long time crush. Heat slowly reaching my cheeks, and I can tell I look like a walking red potato. When I finally made it to them, I dramatically cleared my throat., but of course being the messed up human being I am, I failed, and choked on my own saliva. Which seem to always happen to me. The boys turned to me, with a confused look. "I swear I'm about to die, help me." I said though coughs. Someone placed their hand on my back and handed me a tumbler with cold water. I quickly took it not caring who owned it, I'll just thank him after my body relaxed.

I slumped to the nearest person near me, not caring to whom it was. "Hey? You okay now?" Alexis said, from beside me, wait.. I quickly stood up properly and fixed my appearance, I literally forgot about him being in this group of people. "Yeah, Yeah I'm cool." I said trying to sound cool, but in the real truth, I'm screaming because I'm talking to the one and only Alexis Reyes, the one who can get any girl he pleases. EW. Mia, calm down, you sound so girly. "Yeah, she'll be fine." Marc said with his famous 'I-know-whats-happening-here' smirk, I know what he's trying to say. Argh! I hate him sometimes. "So. You're tutoring our little Friend Reyes here huh Geneva?" Joshua says smirking his 'Let's-add-fuel-to-the-fire' smirk. "Yes. In a matter of fact I'll tutor him. And since when did you become cool enough to be friends with Alexis?" I laughed a little, happy with my sassy comeback. "Ha-ha. Whatever you two, as much as I want to watch you guys bicker, class is starting in a few moments so let's get to the principal's office to get our class schedule." Our Group's Mr. Smarty-pants and the most responsible, Philip said. "Yeah, Philip is right, let's go." Alexis said, putting a hand around my shoulder. Sh*t. I swear I look like a walking red potato.

After we got our class schedules and realized we almost had all our classes together aside from History, PE and Chemistry, because Philip and Alexis are the only ones together in those subjects, the rest, we'll have together. And from the events this morning, I can tell, this school year is going to be a fun yet stressful school year. Here goes nothing.



Hey, its the ugly author here, just call me Michaelah.

Any who,  any thoughts so far? Any misspelled words? Any corrections?

I'm only 13, so I'm sorry if the book sucks.

Another thing, I will update once a week, or twice if I can.

I hope that If you want to bash me, just keep it to yourself.

And I'm sorry cause my book sucks.

I guess that's all.

I hope you lovely readers have a very lovely day.

- Michaelah xx

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