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I should have known. I knew that when he asked for her number, he likes her. I should have told her how I felt. I should have confessed a long time ago. Dammit! Now I have to act like I don't care. I have to act like I'm in love with this other girl. We both made a deal, We will pretend to be in love and sh*t until I can properly move on and she can come out of the closet.

Every day I would wait until saw her angelic face. Seeing her was always the highlight of my day. I always looked forward to it. Now, I will have to see her with him. That should be me. That should have been me. But no, because I was such a coward. Every day I will see them getting all cuddly, all cozy and being a couple. And it sucks. It has always suck to be.

Ever since that day at 6th grade at the playground, I already had a crush on her. Every day it grew stronger. It is happy know that she's happy, but knowing it's not because of me or with me, kills me slowly every day. It's hard to keep calm when I see them all cuddly and sweet.

But if it's what makes her happy, then I won't interfere.


Mia Geneva

I remove the key from where you put It in the car, got my phone and went out my car into the guys' place. I grabbed my key of their place and opened the door. And yes, I have my own key. "Hey! Marc? Is he here guys?" I ask the boys as I enter their living room. The boys and Janina greet me with 'Hi' and 'Hellos'. "Babe, he's upstairs." Alexis says not removing his attention from the game of Mario Kart. "Okay thanks." I skip all the way to Marc's room. The door was slightly cracked open, so I just entered. "OH MY GOD. Yung mata ko! Kawawa mga mata ko!" (My Eyes! My poor eyes!) I yelled in my native language when I saw Nichole on top of Marc only in her bra and underwear while Marc wearing only his pant, while heavily making out. "Mia! What the heck?! Get out!" Marc said. I quickly obligated. As I was making my way to the stairs, Alexis and Joshua came running up the stairs. "Mia! What happened? I heard you say something about your eye in Filipino." Joshua say coming in a halt as he saw me. "Oh, don't worry. I'm fine. Let's go back down yeah?" I sighed. Them following. "Like seriously though, Missy. What happened?" Alexis asks. "I kind of walked in on Nichole and Marc close to doing something." I said, cringing at the though. So disgusting. "Aw. My poor baby girl." He says pulling me onto his lap. I was basically straddling him when he kissed me. Of course I kissed him back. "YO! Love birds go get a room!" Phillip complained with Janina and Joshua groaning in agreement. I pulled away from Alexis saying "Sorry." Alexis just rolled his eyes pulling me closer to his chest.

After a while, every one gathered in the living room, and started to properly finalize everything for tomorrow. Since Joshua and Marc are the ones who are experienced on camping, they assigned something for everyone to bring, Luckily, I wasn't assigned to something so important, flashlights and extra batteries.


"Good Night. Make sure tomorrow by 4 'o clock. You'll be ready with everything you need and the flashlights with extra batteries yeah?" Alexis says kissing me on my forehead. "Yes, don't worry." Tomorrow is Saturday and we will be camping. I head towards the front porch of our home, waiting for Alexis drive home before I head inside. As I entered the warmth of my home "Mom!? Dad!?" I shouted. "Honey calm down, your brother is asleep." My dad says from the living room. "Sorry." I quickly say while kicking my shoes off. "Anyways, can I talk to you guys?" I asked sitting on one of the solo couches beside the couch mom and dad were sitting down on. "Sure honey, is it about your camping trip with the guys?" Mom asks, turning the volume of the television down. "Oh, is it tomorrow?" My dad asks, and me and mom just smile and nod. God my dad is getting old. "Yes it is dad. So, Alexis is going to pick me up here at around 4, so we can head out early. So, are you guys really okay with me leaving? I can stay if you guys want?" I asked making sure. "Its fine Mia, don't worry. We'll be alright." Mom says, quickly followed by dad saying "Your Aunt Cecilia and your cousins Fred and George will be visiting tomorrow anyway so we'll have company for the weekend." At least they'll have company. I Just nodded understandingly.

Silence was enveloping us, when my dad asked me, "What's going on with you and Alexis by the way?" Right I haven't told them yet. "Mayroon bang namamagitan ba sainyong dalawa na dapat namin malaman iha?" My mom asked. (Translation: Is there something going on with you two, that we need to know about Darling?) "Well, yeah. Were kind of a thing already. But were still trying to figure out if it'll work." I shift uncomfortably on my seat. "Just make sure that you won't get hurt okay?" My mom says sweetly. "We can't stand seeing our baby princess hurting." My dad added, "Dad! I'm not a baby anymore. " I laughed complaining. "But to us you still are." Mom says butting in. "Whatever, I'll head upstairs to get ready for my things for tomorrow then head to bed. Good Night." I say standing up and kissing them both on the cheeks. "Good night sweetie." They say as I made my way upstairs. I quickly changed into my pajama shorts and a sweatshirt. I charged my phone on my nightstand, and grabbed my dad's hiking back pack. I grabbed everything I needed for the camping trip and the flashlights and extra batteries, and headed to sleep.

I opened all my social medias waiting to feel sleepy. Suddenly the message notification came up. I opened it and saw that Alexis messaged me.

"Good night Beautiful xx"

I smiled like a freaking idiot as I read his message and typed in my reply .

"Good Night Babe xx"

He didn't take long to reply, and I swear this guy is so full of himself sometimes.

"See you in your dreams Honey."

And I quickly reply saying,

"You wish you dork."

I was about to sleep when I saw that he replied,

"But I'm your dork."

And I smiled with a huge smile on my ugly face. Dreaming about the same guy that I have always dreamt about.


Chapter Ten!
So, new name, and new cover.
Hope you guys liked it!
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- Michaelah xx

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