Chapter 2 - Gone Blind

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Chapter Two

Gone Blind

The moon seemed to be smiling down at him, teasing him, like it was aware of his intentions, like it supported his every move. It blessed him with its natural light, acting like a guide throughout the faintly lit stone streets. In a way, it was like a companion. The night had always been his friend, the hidden dangers that crept in the darkness had long ceased to frighten him. The often cold and foggy streets had been his home and the shadows had become a comfort, a familiar and protective setting.

Victor walked through the sleepy alleys of the old village, ignoring the whispers that followed his passage, ignoring the suspecting glares of the unknown faces of its habitants. His pace was slow, but victorious. He had found her, at last.

He always knew he would live for that moment. Nothing could’ve stopped him. The deep, dark feeling he carried with him throughout his young, harsh life had only made him stronger. It made him who he was. There were times when he thought that feeling was a burden too heavy to carry, almost driving him insane - but that burning desire had also, most certainly, kept him alive. He survived because of it, breathed for it, that suffocating need to live for that one moment that was now so close. He could almost taste it, almost see it – and it gave him shivers of pleasure to imagine it. He could not wait.

Victor pushed the collar of his long, black coat closer to his jawline, trying to battle the penetrating icy wind that caressed the bare skin on his face. He came to a halt, as soon as he noticed the neglected small building standing in front of him. He grinned as he listened to the loud singing that burst from the inside, the loud noise of the drunken voices contrasted with the silence that lived on the streets.

As he grew up, he found himself wondering time and time again what had happened to them, the two last remaining bearers of his blood. Did they suffer like him? Did they long, like him, to make things right? What had become of them? Had life been cruel, unfair even, like it had been to him? But, in all his fantasies, he never imagined she would end up in a place like this. Well, he had changed, greatly. Chances were, she had, as well.

Not wanting to waste one more second, he pulled the wooden door open and embraced the warmth of the crowded establishment. The environment was of confusion and drunken disorder. Men were shouting and singing, with stupid grins on their faces, ravaging through their drinks and harassing the few women inside. It was so loud and frantic, most didn’t even notice the tall, obscure figure entering the small room.

Victor looked around, searching through all the feminine faces, looking for someone familiar. His heart was racing with anxiety. Would he just know when he saw her? Ten years was a long time to be apart, after all.

The few men who noticed his silent presence shot him glances of suspicion, realizing it was a stranger, but not daring to confront him. He grinned again, mischievously. He was used to those eyes of discomfort. It was quite usual, that while generally bothered by his presence, most men chose to avoid him. He was young still, just a young man, but he emanated an aura of respect and danger, like a menacing shadow loomed over him permanently. Victor always wondered if men could sense his purposes, like they had a basic survival instinct that told them it would be best to just stay away, that he had nothing to lose. After all, most people are aware, there are few things more threatening than a man with nothing to lose.

The women, though, couldn’t behave more differently. They shared with him looks of interest, looks of seduction. He knew he wasn’t the most attractive of men, but it seemed that women felt his mysterious and powerful demeanor was worthy of attention. He nodded slightly, to one of the bar’s employees, as she served the table closest to him with more mugs of beer. She smiled nervously - definitely not who he was looking for.

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