Chapter 5

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A loud bang startled me awake. It's Cate. My body fills with excitement. I'm not alone anymore! "Cate I'm so glad your here! I thou-" she cocks a gun. "Wh-h-at are you doing?" She shoots.
I wake up gasping, sweating, and freezing cold. It's day and I'm in the middle of the woods.
I look down at my chest. No blood. Did Cate really shoot me?
I slowly stand up and notice I'm wearing a completely different outfit. A worn out black leather jacket, a black crop top, olive green jeans, and black leather combat boots.
Maybe I got out of the cavern and just hit my head and forgot. But why the change of clothes?
I hear murmurs of voices in the distance and the sound of metal clanging, fire crackling, and people working. I tiptoe over to the noise. Construction. In the middle of the woods? For what? "Excuse me?" I ask.
A boy turns around and looks at me. He looks about 18, and his eyes are hazel like mine, glistening under the sun. His hair is dark-brown. I can tell from underneath his helmet that's it's messy and curly. He smiles and dimples form at the sides of his mouth. The boy walks over. "Can I help you?" His voice is deep.
"Um, I was just wondering what you're doing?" I ask.
"We're building a Charger."
A puzzled expression crosses my face and I can tell he becomes confused when he sees my face. "What is a 'Charger?'" I ask.
"What is a 'Charger'?"
"It's a training facility." He has the dumbest expression on his face. Apparently in this part of the world everyone knows what a Charger is. "Why don't you just call it a gym?"
"What's a gym?"
Who doesn't know what a gym is?! To be honest, he's probably thinking the same thing only instead of a gym, it's a Charger.
"Where's town?" I ask him.
"About two miles that way," he points North.
I give him a polite smile, thank him, and get on my way.
After about a 20 minute walk I finally reach town.
The town looks normal. Business men and women rushing to get to work, people walking there dogs, people running, kids racing. But there's one twist. There are groups of people dressed the same. Some kids are wearing dress clothes, while others are dressed in athletic clothes. They are adults wearing business outfits and others look like warriors with weapons dangling from their bodies.
A woman spots me and bows. Others join. I spin around to check if there is someone behind me and I'm alone. I start hesitantly walking and a young kid, about five, grabs my hand and says, "thanks."
I smile in return, not knowing what to say. And I continue walking. I hear footsteps behind me and notice the construction guy walking behind me. "No need to thank," he states, "we are all treated equally in this world." A smile spreads across his face.
The boy. He's wearing something different. He's wearing a leather jacket, black cargo pants, combat boots, and a navy blue shirt. His tan skin and dark eyes and hair match perfectly with the outfit.
He approaches me. "Come let's go."
He starts walking towards what looks like a café and opens the door for me. "Thanks." I reply with a smile.
"Have a seat," he gestures towards two empty chairs, "I'll be back."
I take a seat and my mind explodes with questions. Who's he? Why did they bow? I thought I was shot? How did I end up here? I don't know where to start. The boy eventually comes back and takes a seat across from me and hands me a cup of coffee. "Thanks." I say.
"Go on," he says, "I know you've got questions. Start spillin'"
I inhale, prepared for the amount of time I'll have to hold my breath. I start easy. "What's your name?"
"What is this place?"
"This 'place' is called Outsider, home to the Wonderers. Like Earth home to humans."
"I was on Earth and now I'm here, how did that happen?"
"Well," he begins, "he weren't on Earth in the cavern, you were here, but before that you were on Earth."
"How did I get here?"
"That crystal you touched. That was my idea, I knew you would be too stupid to touch it."
I glare at him. "Did Cate shoot me?"
"Yeah, she did," he scoffs, "she hates you."
"But we're foster sisters." My voice raises.
"Let's go somewhere else. Somewhere where it's easier to explain all of this."

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