33. The Beginning of the End

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The week-end gave me the rest I needed. Even though Papa and Dad were drowning me in chores for skipping school, it was a good rest from all the drama. I appreciated this pause even more that things became ten times more dramatic on Monday morning. And yes, it was possible.

Mr Fieldman called me to his office.

Everyone has a bad feeling when being called up to the headmaster's office. Well, this bad feeling was entirely confirmed when I saw Shane and Prishka already sat in the waiting room.

Clementine must had done something.

I was 100% sure about it. It was suspect that every Mailbox member was here but her.

Shane gestured for me to sit by him and I did, flopping down on the hard wooden seat. I repressed the memories of his past sucky behavior and threw him a desperate look. I needed someone to rely on right now. I needed a friend.

"It's Clementine, right?"

He nodded, unusually serious.

"I saw her getting in Fieldman's office when I got here."

"I never thought she'd actually put her threats into action." I murmured while resting the back of my head on the wall behind me. I was exhausted, all of a sudden. I didn't feel any anger or bitterness, I was just tired. Couldn't things go smooth for once?

"Yeah, me neither."

As he pronounced these three words, a breathless Jane Earnest suddenly made an apparition in the waiting room. Despite sweat beads glowing on her forehead, she was as splendid as ever. And seeing her here reassured me. She would help us, right?

"I missed... my bus." She breathed while resting her hands on her knees, her long red hair flowing all over her. Still couldn't believe that she dated Sofia.

Prishka who was two seats away from Shane handed her out a water bottle that she gladly took and emptied in one go. Even her way of drinking water was impressive.

"So what's the deal?" Jane eventually asked after gulping down the water bottle. "I presume it's about the Mailbox."

Her eyes landed on me, waiting for an answer.

"Clementine wanted to put rules to the Mailbox. I guess it's what she's doing with Mr Fieldman right now."

"Clementine is your new recruit, isn't she? The one who came to see me?"

I nodded.

"She's a bitch." Shane added while crossing his arms over his torso.

I nodded again.

"Hopefully she doesn't ruin everything." I sighed.


Clementine ruined everything.

She was sitting in Mr Fieldman's office as he invited the four in. A sly smile was brightening her face and I knew on the spot that she had won. She had got what she wanted and it was just a matter of minutes before the Mailbox as I had created it would disappear.

As there were not enough seats, I sat down by Clementine's side while Shane, Prishka and Jane all stood behind me.

"We have serious issues to tackle." Mr Fieldman started while sitting behind his huge desk. "Clementine here came to see me because, apparently, there are a few things going wrong in your Mailbox Club. If I'm correct, this club falls under the responsibility of the Student Council."

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