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How did I get here? My adrenaline rushing through my veins, as though my heart is about to pop out my chest with many emotions for everyone to see. I'm not ready, I want to leave but I am required to stay, I try to leave anyways. People chasing after me like a stampede of gazelles high in the air as if they were to jump in front of me. When they caught up they surrounded me as we were in a street alley and I was their victim. My Friend Nydra asked me "What's wrong Paige?" I looked directly in her eyes as if she knew what was going through my mind. I said, "I can't do this, I just can't!" "What can't you do!" she said. With tear running down my face I say, "I am so nervous, I don't think I can go on." This girl named Selena says, "Well it's too late now, we were about to go on until you decided to panic, you performed before so I don't see what the problem is!" I looked at her with so much hate, she's such a bitch, so much of one that it grew on to her and now it's her. I got up and looked at her with a dirty look, all these thoughts in my mind on what I can do to her. But being the better person, I walked away. Just before I did Nydra Picked up her hand and slapped her, she slapped her so hard that when she tried to put on make-up it would just show through. When I walked away Nydra followed, she said, "Don't listen to her Paige, she's just being an ass because she doesn't have anything better to do, Don't you worry you will do just fine." As she said that I got up with confidence and said "I'm ready!"
Our dance instructor had directed us back to the stage, I know this was going to end magnificent. As we got onto stage I saw Selena, she looked at me as if she was going to mess me up during this performance. The curtains opened I was in my beginning pose, as we started I remember people yelling the names of people in my group. When I heard mine I knew this was the best thing to happen. As we prepared to get in position for a 16 fouette turn I knew this is where Selena was going to mess me up, because she is right beside me for this part of the performance. Right before we started turning, I saw her trying to grab me as if she was trying to throw me off stage. When we started to do our fouettes I was getting nervous, because what if I didn't land these correctly. We were down our thirteenth fouette, when we got to our last one everything went in slow motion, once I put my foot on the and my landing was in the place it was supposed to be I knew this performance was perfect, for me atleast. During the fouette turns I saw Selena fall during the landing, like they say, "Karma's a bitch!"
When the show was over Selena came up to me and told me how great I did and that I was "amazing!" I looked at her with the most serious face and said, "Amazing! Don't think I'm going to fall for your shit, you think that putting me down and saying I did "good" is okay? No, it isn't so next time you want to tell me something like that again make sure you know how to reword that! By the way, nice fall!"
As I walked into the auditorium I saw the dance instructor she asked me to come to her, their was this lady, I recognize her from the biggest production in the world World Wide Dance. World Wide Dance or WWD is the biggest dance production where they put the best dancers on tv and they get so many jobs and recognition. She said, "Hello, you must be Paige, I am Danielle Garcia, I work with World Wide Dance. I seen your performance and was really amazed, can I asked who choreographed your routine?" "Me," I said. She looked at me with shock as if she did not believe me. She said, "Well we have an open spot for you at WWD, would you like it?" I screamed with excitement and said "Yes-yes-yes! Oh my god this is not happening! Thank You Ms. Garcia!" She knew that she made the right choice by the look of confidence in her eyes. She said, "Great! We hope to work with you as soon as you can get to WWD down the street from here. We will start as soon as you have a well prepared and originally choreographed dance for us, we will give you one month to have it done, if you have it sooner that would be great, which means you can start your process to be the next WWD instructor. Hope to see a good performance, Goodbye Paige." When she walked away I thought this had been and illusion, but it wasn't! Here I am, about to be one of the best dancers in the world. I'm standing here thinking to myself,when did this happen? How did this all start? How did I get here? I'm barely twenty-one and this is happening.

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