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*Sigh* Loss

I'm trying
Remember you
Let you
At the

As I stand here I think of everything you used to be. Beyond stone, dirt, grass, bones, wilted flowers and a polished casket of what it all used to be. I still remember your smell, your touch, your face. But it's begging to fade. I feel like your drifting away from my memory like waves in an ocean. I don't want you to leave me in not ready, but I know I need to let you go. I miss you and it hurts me everyday.

Hey so this particular chapter is about someone in my family who I lost about 5 years ago and still affects my everyday life but, I'm learning to cope. I hope that none of you have to go through this and if you have I hope it has gotten better. If it it will eventually.

*Sigh* RelatableDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora