Say I Do

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Ok guys Connect is Coming to an End... The next Chapter will be The last, Now im Thinking on doing a Sequel, but thats up to yall. So comment of i should do a Sequel.


Its been a month Since that accident, Shania is alot better, Everythings been going good as hell.

I was chilling with Shania & King when my phone started ringing. I tapped Nia's thigh signaling her to get up.

She got up & slid to the other side of the couch. I got up & Walked away answering my phone


"Aye i got the jewler over here now. You comming through?",

"Yeah imma slide through, Give me 10"


We hung up & i went upstairs to change. I came back downstairs & Shania was putting King to sleep.

"Babe, I gotta go Run with Christian real quick, Ill be back in a hour or two"

"Ok, Bring some Food on ya way back"

"Were going out for Dinner tonight, So i want both my babies dressed & ready before 8"

"Alright Bry"

I gave her a kiss then headed over to Christians.

"Wassup" we greeted dapping eachother as we made our way twords the livng room, where the jewler was.

"Hello sir, I have many rings on display, The ones in the back vary from 50,000 to 30,000, The middle Row Vary from 20,000 - 15,000 & the bottom row vary from 10,000 - 5,000"

I looked at all the rings on display, I wanted the best one, The one that i knew would take Shanias breath away. My eyes landed on a ring that had a big dimond in between little pink dimonds, I knew she would love it.

"How much for this one?" i asked picking it up

"47,000 sir"

I nodded, then handed him my black card. He swiped it, then he left. I dapped up Christian, then went & picked up my tux from the shop, I went back to Christians, Took my shower, Got dressed & examined my self.

I put the ring in the box, Then put it in my Pocket.

"You ready?"

"Yeah lets roll."

All our Family & Closets friends were already at the Resturant, We just needed to get Shania & King there.

I dropped Christian off at The Resturant, then went & got Shania & King.


After Bryant left, I decided to take a shower & give King a bath since we onl have 2 hours to spare.

I grabbed Kings tub & placed him in it, Washing his little body, After all that i got him dressed in a Cute little button up shirt, with black slacks & his White & black Jordans, I know that whenever Bry says were going "Out" to eat, its usually a fancy resturant so i know to dress fancy. But my baby still got to have his Jays now.

After i got king all dressed, I gave him his bottle & set him in his play pin while i went to go take a shower.

I stayed in for about 10 minutes, then stepped out drying off. I put on my matching Victoria secret set, Then went back into my room, to my closet.

I decided on wearing my Black dress that stopped mid thigh, With a long V cut in the back, I went over to my vanity & started on my hair, puting big curls in it, then opened up my jewlery box & put on a silver dookie chain neckalace, then applying a little red lipstick. I headed back twords my closet, and picked up my black red bottom heels & my silver clutch, putting on my heels.

After all that ot was now 7:45, I picked up king & Took him down stairs setting him in his carseat. I packed a couple snacks for him, & put everything in his diaper bag.

The door then opened.

"Babe You Rea-" Christian comes in stopping Mid Sentence, Looking fine as hell in thay Tux.

I smirked "Yes were ready, Where we going?"

"Dont worry about that little lady" he repplied grabbing Kings carseat. I grabbed the diaper bag & Bry grabbed my hand, Then we headed out.

He strapped king in & I got in the passener as he got in the Drivers. He started the car up then we were on our way.


The whole ride Shania kept asking where we were going. Nosy ass.

"Shania were almost there girl, Calm down"

She chuckled then rested her head on the window.

I looked over at her & smiled, Shes so beautiful, I remember how we first met & bonded so fast, She was always my lil rider.

"What?" she asked blushing.

"Your just so beautiful"

"Thanks Bry" she leaned in & kissed me, Then i returned my attenton back to the road.

We finally arrived at our destination "Le Rivera" (made up). I grabbed King, & she grabbed the Bag, Then we headed inside.

"How may i help you two today?" the hostess at the front asked

"Reservation for Stevenson" i replied

"Yes sir, Right this way"

We followed her twords the back, Seeing all our Family & Friends all ready seated and Talking.

"Wassup Yall" i greeted everyone

"Hey, Wheres my Baby?" Malia asked

Me & Shania laughed & she started handing King to Malia, but Christian grabbed him first.

"Christian!" She pouted.

It was funny, We all laughed. I pulled Shanias chair out for her, & pushed it in once she was seated.

After a while we were finally served our food, & Everyone heled small converstaion.

"Sooooo why is Everyone here? Is it Someones birthday or something?" shania asked as everyone finished eating.

Everyone looked at me & i guess that was my Que. I grabbed Shanias hand and helped her out of her seat.

I took both of her hands into mine.

"Shania, We've been throuh alot in the years we've known eachother. We became something Special, I remember when we first met, I knew we had a connection. I remember when we went to the mall, got kicked out, Faught battles together, Dissed hoes together, Did everything together. You've became my bestfriend, My R.O.D, My everything. You mean a lot to me, & Im more than greatful you brought little man into our lives. I love you more than i Love my self baby. Your my Bonnie, Im your Clyde. So what im trying to say is....

I got down on one Knee & pulled out The box, Shania gasped & our Family & friend Cheered.

"Shania, Will you do the Honor of Being Mine Forever?"

She started crying"Yes, Yes Bryant" I got up, slipped the ring on her finger & pulled her into me, Kissing her passionatly

"I Love You"

"I Love You Too"

The whole resturant, was Awing, clapping, & cheering.

"Thats My Boy!" Christian yelled making us all laugh. Shanias ass was still crying.

She went & showed off her ring to the girls, while the boys patted my back, giving me props. I thanked them all, Even little Man was smiling, He knew what daddy was about.

Next chapter coming in about an hour.

Vote. Comment. Should i do a sequel?

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