Lucky Lucky Night

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"He Uhm, Im Sorry, But he didnt make it. The bullet was too close to his heart. We removed it, but he had too much blood loss. Im Sorry. You all can go & see him one last time before we take him away. Hes in room 504" The docter replied.

I stood completly frozen. I know i did not hear what that doctor just said. Please tell me this is a dream God. Please!

"Please tell me your lieing. Hes still alive right?" His mom asked shaking.

"Ma'am im sorry"

She fell to the floor & i couldnt stand to see her like that. I broke down my self. Shania came to me & pulled me up to her. I wrapped my arms around her & just let it all out. "Please no, No God, Please let him come back. Ill do anything!" I sobbed into Shanias neck.

"Shhhh its ok Bry, Shhh"


I didnt know what to do. Seeing Bry like this really made my heart break, & Christian was like a broher to me. He cant be gone. He cant. I just rocked & cried woth Bryant for a while. He looked down at me.

"I wanna see him"

"Bry, are you sure?"

"Yeah, i need to see him"

I nodded, It was only us going because his mom was too hurr to even walk. His dad had to take her home. Bryant wiped his tears. I guess he wanted to be strong for Chris. But no matter how many times i wiped my eyes, the tears kept falling.

We made it to his room slow. We walked in & i just couldnt help but sob. Seeing Him like this really made me sad. There his body lay, lifeless.

Bryant walked up to him & Grabbed his hand.

"Im sorry bro, this was all my fault, Please bro dont die on me now. I need you man. We been bros forever, Please dont leave now. We all need you man. Please wake up Chris, Please!" he cried. I felt so sorry for Bryant.

"Bry baby, come on." i saod grabbing his hand. He gave Christian one more stare before walking twords the door.


I hear Bryant talking to me, but i cant talk back. I cant open my eyes or move. Wtf is wrong with me? Its dark real dark. The only thing i see is a bright ass light & its coming closer & closer to me.

"Hey Baby" says a soft little voice.

"Grandma?" i ask in disbelief.

"Yes baby, its me."

"Grandma, i miss you so much. I prayed everynight that you'd come back, but you never did... Why?"

"Because baby, i cant. But you can. Its not your time here. They need you, Go Back, Grow old, be safe ok Baby?"

"But Grandma-"

I was cut off, i opened my eyes & the bright hospital lights hit my eyes, I squinted & looked up to see Bryant & Shania walking twords the door.

I tried to say someting, but nothing came out so i tried again.

"B-Bry-Ant" i spoke weakly.

His whole body turned around slowly. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Nurse! Nurse! Shania yelled

Nurses & Doctors began swmoring the room.

"Chris? Christian!" Bryant yelled coming over to my bed.

"Man they told everyone you where dead! Your mom was so weak, she couldnt even walk! I cried for the first time in Years" Bryant said looking down at me.

I couldnt say anything else, my throat was too sore. I just looked at him & tears began flowing down my eyes. I kept thinking "I couldve died tonight" thats all i could think about. Then my eyes started to slowly close, until i was finally asleep.


I cant believe hes alive. How do you even make a come back that miracicalous? I couldnt help but cry, & go over to Christian giving him a hug. The doctors & nurses swarmed the room & put him to sleep for God Knows what. Theu told us to leave & come back tomorrow morning where he'll be fully recovered. Bryant was hesitant but we had to go.

Malia ended up taking King home with her, so me & Bry just went home. He held me throughout the whole night. We cuddled & kept saying we love eachother. Im just thankful Christian is alive. I know this wouldve been hard for Bry if he wasnt.

We ended up falling asleep in eachothers arms.

-Probably a sucky chapter, but i didnt feel like writing, but i didnt  wanna leave yall without a chapter.

-Ill do a better chapter tomorrow for sure 

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