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(Going right in! Thanks for starting this book I hope you'll stick with me!)

Alex(f) POV

You'd think, being dead and all, I wouldn't have nightmares. Well surprise! Nightmares! I woke up panting, covered in beads of sweat. Screaming. I screamed in my dream or out loud I couldn't tell. Breathing heavily, my hands cautiously touched my side. The side that had been bruised for weeks after they-

No I dint want to dwell on those thoughts. That was my life. This is death. I'm okay now, I'm okay now, I'm okay now.

Tears burst out of me like waterfalls(ooh hey that reminds me of the "wedding" more happy memories!) I'm not okay I'm not okay I'm not okay I'm not o-

The door to my room was flung open.

"Alex?! Oh gods Alex!"

Magnus chase rushed to my side like a knight in green Valhalla PJs (newly improved my Blitzen's Best with protection against swords and other sharp objects!) he knelt besides my bed.

"Alex? Are you hurt what's wrong?"

I couldn't talk about it, not yet. Not even Samirah knew enough about my life to understand. I'd only told Magnus the tip of the iceberg.


Usually I would push him away and tell him to bug off and leave me alone. But I couldn't this time. This time i looked into his eyes, grey like the sky in a rain storm and embraced him. I cried on his shoulder. Normally, I don't do physical contact, neither does Magnus. But I really needed a hug. Hesitantly, the blonde idiot returned my hug.

"Hey, everything will be alright. Right now, everything is fine."

As my breathing steadied, my sobbing slowed. by this point I've slid to the floor with Magnus. I release my hug and wiped my eyes.

"You about it."


He nodded. I pushed a piece of green hair out of my face.

"Why'd you'd come in?"

He hesitated. "Well you screamed and then I head sobbs and my room is right over there." He gestures with a jerk of his head towards the door.

"Right" I said. These walls should really be soundproof.

"Hey, Al"

"If you ever call me that again I will decapitate you."

He raised his hands in surrender then continued.

"Just know I'm here for you, ok? So is Sam and Halfborn and the whole floor nineteen squad."

I sniffled. "Buts it's not like any of you care."


"You heard me. No one here actually cares about me."

"Alex, I care about you. Sam sure as heck cares about you."

"San doesn't count, she's alive!"

"Well you may not believe that we all care, which we do, but believe that I care about you. I care about what happens to you, I care if you're here or not, I care if you scream in the middle of the night, I care"

Our faces were now closer to each other. I wa definitely blushing. Thus made more tears well up.

"Magnus you don't understand-"

He cursed in ancient Norse before kissing me. Shocked, I froze up. He pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry I-" he made to stand up.

"Wait!" In the split second he paused and turned towards me, I grabbed his stupid HV PJ collar with both of my hands and pulled him back, smashing my lips into his. He quickly got over his initial shock and kissed back. His hands went up and cradled my face, pulling me closer. We stoped for a moment and stared at each other.

"Quick question?"


"Not that it makes a difference, but did  I just kiss a boy or a girl?"

I reached up and threw a pillow at him.


"A woman, rapunzle. You kissed a woman." I laughed.

He smirked. "Rapunzle, that's a new one." He giggled softly.

Silence. "We should both get some sleep."

Magnus began to make his way towards the door. I couldn't stop smiling until I remembered. Sleep. Nightmares.


He turned around.

"I-I can't sleep. Can you just, stay with me a bit longer?"  I motioned towards the grass ground next to my bed. Magnus nodded and came back towards me . That night I lied awake, too afraid to sleep, but I  held Magnus'  hand which was enough for me.

(Well I think that was crappy but it was my first shot. What do yall think! Comment, vote? Whatever! Btw I will be changing Alex's gender but for the mist part she will be female. See you next time lil Valkyries!-j)

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