Author's Note

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Hello there! Thanks so much for clicking on my story. I mean I hope you intended to, but if it was a mistake, well thanks for stopping by anyway!

For those of you who did mean to click on the story, I hope you like what you find/read :)

I suppose you could call this a kind of entry to NaNoWriMo in the sense that I am just going to write as much as I can and see what happens. Usually I plan out stories before I write them and I spend a lot of time on each chapter before I upload them, but for this one I'm just going to go with the flow. Hopefully, it pays off :)

I know every author on here starts with the usual "Vote for my story!! Make sure you comment! Blah, blah, blah" And obviously, I would be extremely happy if you did either or both of those things. In fact, it would make my whole day.

But I fully believe in other authors supporting each other. So if you leave me a decently detailed, helpful comment on any of my chapters beyond the first chapter, I will definitely try to check out your story and try to leave an equally helpful comment :)

Thanks for any and all support, and happy reading!

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