The Creature Part 1

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As I was laying in the darkness, I heard something next to me. It felt like someone or something was in my presents, but I couldnt see anything. I wanted to run, scream out in terror, but I couldnt move. I could only lay there and feel my heartbeat. Everything was so still.. but yet so alive.

Staring at complete darkness makes you want to leave as soon as possible, but I suddenly I saw a light glissen right above me. Was I dead? Was this all just a dream? I was soon about to find out.

Next thing I knew I was laying on my sofa, with my boyfriend Sean looking down at me, crying. He looked so handsome, he had perfect blue eyes and dark brown hair. Then I gasped in terror of my horrible nightmare and hugged him tightly, but I fell back in pain because of my leg. It hurt so bad I started to cry. I looked down at it as I noticed it was wrapped. "Sean.. what happened?!" I yelped in pain and agony. "Sarah.. you- you were attacked.. by, something" then he began to cry more. I then noticed my clothes were wripped as I saw some bruises on my arms, legs, and stomach. "Sean!" I covered my face with my hands as I kept crying trying to remember what happened. "Was it all a dream? Was my nightmare real?" I thought to myself.

"Why am I here Sean? Tell me everything.. Please! I have to know." But he didn't say a word. He got up and left the room, heading to the kitchen. I tried to get up after him, but I couldnt, so I just sat up. He walked back in with a glass of water and gave it to me carefully. Then he wiped the makeup off of my cheeks. I probably looked like a wreck, even though Sean thought i was perfect, all because I had wavy black hair, green eyes, and perfect white skin.

I didn't want to wait for answers anymore, so I stood up weakly and limped out the front door to my house. Sean tried to stop me but I pushed him away and hurried to my best friend Vanessa's house. She only lived a few houses away from me though.

As I got to her house, I knocked on the door and she answered a few seconds later. She was wearing a black tank top with jeans, and she had her brown straight hair down. She also had blue eyes that were like the ocean. She also had perfect skin like me. We looked like sisters too, but diffrent hair color and eye color, also personality's. But besides that, we both were skinny, average hight, and pretty much polite.

"Sarah.. your alright!" then she hugged me gently, like she knew I was hurt. She let me inside and I sat on a chair. "Yeah Im alright.. You know whats up?? I cant remember anything. Please tell me whats going on." She invited me inside then told me the story. "Me, you, Sean, and Casey were camping in the woods since we all wanted to hang out this summer, and you told us you would be right back. Then me, Sean, and Casey were setting up camp and we heard a scream, and Casey was not with us either.. then me and Sean ran into the woods where you left and we couldnt find you.. we were so scared. You two were gone so long.." She stopped talking for a second to wipe her tears and began to talk more.

"We kept running as we saw you laying on the ground with you all bloody and we saw Casey laying knocked out next to a tree.. Then we saw something next to you, but we couldnt see it.. It was too dark to notice what it was. Before I could say a word, Sean ran beside you and I stood frozen in my tracks. I just couldnt move, I was just so shocked and scared..." she trailed off. "It's alright Vanessa.. I understand. I just.. wish I remembered what happened. I probably hit my head, thats why I cant remember."

I suddenly looked at Vanessa. "Where is Casey?!" She looked worried as she looked at me. "The hospital.. You've been sleeping for a few days. The doctors told your parents you didnt have to stay there, that you needed to rest at your own home." "Can you take me there to see him? Please?" I looked at her. Then she said,"but dont you want to stay here with Sean?" "Yes but Casey is my best friend.. He is like my brother. I cant just-" then she stopped me. "I understand. she told me.

She helped me to her car as we drove to the hospital. I was so worried about Casey that I was jumpy, I couldn't stay still. When we got there, she wheeled me in a wheelchair to the front desk and the nurse gave us his room number. Vanessa hurried as fast as she could because I kept rushing her, but I felt bad about it. She knew I felt bad.

Vanessa opened the door as I saw Casey laying on the hospital bed with his arm and legs bandaged. She put my wheelchair next to him the sat next to him on the other side. "Casey.." I said quietly, then he woke up like he heard me. "Sarah.. I'm sorry for what I did-" he said. Then I said,"wait! You didn't do anything.." He then laughed a little, "You just dont remember.. If you did, you wouldnt even be here right now. Nothing would of happened to you." I held his hand gently then looked at him and said "It doesnt matter, your my best friend. No matter what. Remember? You would never do anything to hurt me." I began to tear up, and so did he, but he wiped his tears away quickly. "Please go, dont worry about me." Then he looked at Vanessa and nodded, then she began to wheel me out. I looked at mine and his hand seperate and I looked back at him. "No! Casey!" I tried to get the wheelchair to stop but Vanessa knew it was the right thing to do. Soon we were out of the door and in the car. I wish I knew the whole story..

I didnt speak the whole ride home, and she let me sleep over her house since my parents were going to a late night party. She drove me to my house to pack a few things for the night and we headed back to her place. We went up to her room, which had two beds since her older brother was at the party too. I put my bag next to the bed and i took out my phone to see if Sean or Casey called,but they didnt. So I decided to call Sean first. "Hello?" he said. "Sean, Im just letting you know that Im staying at Vanessa's house so you dont have to worry about me."

"Can we meet up tomorrow..?" he said sounding shy. Then I told him we could and we hung up. Vanessa and me then headed to the kitchen to make some dinner. It was only about 8 o'clock.

I got some waters out of the refrigerator when Vanessa started to act a little weird. She looked dizzy, so i asked whats wrong. I helped her sit down for a second but she insisted she was fine. "Are you sure?" I asked, then she nodded and got up again to finish dinner.

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