I'm Back Bitches Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER----- I don't own naruto or the characters i only own the characters i have made up. And there might be some bad laungage so if you get offended easy dont read ^___^

"Flow get your Fat ass out of bed and make breakfast!!" My foster mum yelled from the other side of my door.

 "Comming Amelia" i replied jumping out of bed  and running down to the kitchen.

"What would you like?" i asked as politely as i could.

"Eggs and bacon and make it fast im running late" she replied rudely from the living room. I walked over to the fridge and froze when i rememberd i gave the last egg to Lyall yesterday, shit , i thought. I walked into where Amelia was flicking through the channels, i bit my lip and lied to her

" I ate the last egg for my breakfast yesterday" I stared her strait in the eye so she couldnt tell that i wasn't telling the truth to her ugly face. She stood up and back handed me, my head snapped to the side and my eyes flickerd to my wolf eyes for a second before turning back to my normal green eyes. Yeah i know i should just go all wolf on her ass but then we would have people comming after us and i dont feel like looking over my shoulder every 30 seconds for the rest of my life.

 "How dare you eat the rest of our food!!!!! Your already fat enouh!!!!!" She spat in my face. Actually i was skinny, not the bad skinny i was good skinny. I felt like screaming that in her bif fat hairy ugly face but that would just earn me with a glass broken over my head and trust me that hurts like a mother fucker!

 "...sorry i'll buy more on my way home from school..." i mumbled kicking my foot into the ground aimlessly. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled my hair,

"you better you fat slut!!" She let go of me, grabbed her stuff and walked out slamming the door behind her. I rubbed the back of my head and flipped her off, i walked up stairs to go get my brothers lazy ass up, his probably awake already from that bitch screamin her lungs off.  I walked in my brothers room and sat on his bed smirking and screamed in his ear "Happy 8th birthday brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He sat up grinning and screamed in my face " Happy 13th birthday sis!!!!!!!!!!" Yeah we had our birthday on the same day so when he was born it was a pretty cool presant, well accept what happend to mum...I put that thought in the back of my mind and hugged my brother

"i got a great presant for you" i smiled at him and walked to the kitchen and back with a plate of bacon and toast, I grinned at him "Here you go little man" i ruffled his hair and laughed as he started pigging out "Your gonna be so fat if you eat like that" I told him in my best mum voice. We both looked at each other and pissed ourselves laughing.

"Heres your present" he grinned showing off his dimples holding out a small box. I took it and looked inside, It was a green orb thing on a piece of thick string.

"It's not much but i found the green thingy in the shop and used the rest of my money to buy it for you and i found the string on the shelf at school" he shrugged like it was nothing. I tackled him and gave him a huge bear hug.

"It's perfect!" I yelled. Looking at him grinning. "But it's not as good as my present that i got you" I walked to my side of the room and got the big box from under the bed and handed it to him, he lifted the lid up and i almost died from the death hug he gave me.

"YOU GOT ME A PUPPY?????!!!!"  He squeeld like a little school girl hugging me even harder.

"Yep...now can i have my oxygen back?" I said pushing him off me. He jumped up and ran over to the husky. "So what you gonna name the thing?" i asked getting air back into my lungs and looking up at him.

"Ummmm i'm gonna name him...KOUTA!" He shouted and the dog jumped on him and licked his face.

"ok, ok time to get ready for school little one"

                                                              ***************AT FLOW'S SCHOOL*************

"I know what you did last summer" i said like a pedo in Drew's ear. He spun around and bear hugged me."Air i need air" i gasped getting out of his hold easily.

"Come on bitch we're gonna be late for 3rd period" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

"And when did you start caring about being late to class?" i raised and eyebrow at him questionally.

"Since we got a new teacher, we gotta make him think we are great student then he will never see it comming when we ruin his life" My best friend said to me like i was stupid. I grinned evily at him, im so pround of him because when we first met he only terrorized the students but now we make everybodys life hell. We got to class 2 minutes late and when we walked in everybody looked then quickly looked away when they saw who it was, i smirked and did a quiet little laugh like the vampire guy from sesame street.

"Sorry we were late sir we got into a big argument about..." Drew couldnt think of anything and cussed under his breath.

"We got caught in a really big argument about who was better; Zabuza or Tobi, from naruto" I grinned at our new teacher who looked at us like we just offerd him some crack. I looked at our chairs in the back making sure they havn't been takin, luckily they wern't because i didnt feel like killing anyone today.

"Umm ok then well you," he pointed at me, "Can sit there," he said nodding at a chair in the second row, i just blinked at him and didnt move. "And you can sit right up front" he tapped his hand on the table he was next to. Me and Drew looked at each other and every student in the room had wide eyes and were staring at the teacher like he was about to get his head chopped off. Then me and Drew fell to the ground pissing ourselves laughing and then started swearing because our sides hurt, which then got us a detention for saying 'shit and fuck' ...

                                                                *********FLOWS HOME**********

"byyyyyeeeeeeeeeee biiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaatttttchhhhhhhhh" i screamed to Drew as i turnded onto my street and he turnd back around and walked to his house.

"Happy birthday again skanky hoe!!!!!" He screamed back. As soon as i got five feet down my street and i knew something was wrong, i ran as fast as i could to my house and fumbled with my key before finally opening it and seeing something that no 13 year old, or any person for that matter, should ever ever see....


                     Soooo im not very good at the editing part lol sorry but im learning ^__^. Theres a pic of flow on the side >>>>>>>


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