I'm Back Bitches Chapter 2

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sooo umm i uploaded this before and i couldn't see the pick of her so im uploading again so i hope everyone can see it, so thats her but she has green eyes ^__^

I'm sorry i havnt updated in a while i kinda got pissed at my computer and through the mouse at the wall and i kinda got grounded for a while soo yeah lol. so yeah i hope this is longish :P. And thats a pic of Flow's anime person thingy on the side but she has green eyes.

My foster parents were standing over Lyall and it didn't look like he was breathing. I looked at the bitches that hurt my little brother.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" I screamed while my eyes flicked to my wolf ones but I didn't care if they saw I, the only thing that matters at the moment was getting Lyall out of this hell house. I started walking towards him with tears in my lime green wolf eyes but was stopped by Lyall who ran to me with inhuman speed and punched me in the stomach with strength that he shouldn't have. I doubled over, holding my stomach and spitting up blood.

"Who...the...hell...are you?" I wheezed out as I stood up slowly still holding my stomach. Shit I think he broke one of my ribs.

"We are Akatsuki" Amelia declared. Then they puffed into smoke and Amelia came out as guy that looked like a shark and Colin came out as guy who had lines on his face. Sushi face and...Frank shall be there names. I took out my sword that I made look like a pencil using the transformation jutsu I learnt before I left, that's right when I was 5 I was the same level as at a genin level and now I'm at a jonin level and your probably thinking 'how did she get to a jonin level with no one to teach her', well I grabbed a book just before we were sent here that had lots of jutsu's in it, anyway. I pulled it out and held it in front of me.

"What are you going to do with a pencil?" Sushi face snorted loudly.

"Shut it Sushi face." I snapped and turned my pencil into my sword. He looked at me in shock then in anger.

"What did you just call me?" He growled.

"I called you Sushi face are you as deaf as you are ugly or something?" I questioned and Frank smirked.

"You to frank!" I shot a glance at him and he just glared at me. Sushi face ran at me and I got in a fighting stance holding my sword and turning my wolf eyes into my peregrine falcon eyes so I could see his every move but before he could make his first attack Frank stopped him and I was kinda relieved because I needed to get to Lyall so I could get him out and get some medical help.

"We need to go, you know we only have a limited time in this world." Frank stated without any emotion in his voice. Sushi face grunted and smiled.

"Another time then...oh and by the way my names Kisame and this here is Itachi. He stated while getting something from the side of his coat and slashing it down my eye that was going to leave a mark. I screamed in pain and put my hand to my eye and staggered back. A big swirly thing opened and they jumped through. I ran up to Lyall picked him up and noticed he was still breathing, thank god, and jumped through the portal just before it closed but I got my dyed black hair chopped off because the portal closed on it.

******10 mins later******

I've been running through the same thick green forest for the past 10 minutes looking for the first village I spot that I'm going to storm into and take my brother to a hospital. Come on there has to be a stupid fucking village around here. Just as I thought that I saw a big red wall with to huge green doors which I just ran straight into and not stopping when the guards yelled at me and chased after me telling me to stop or they were going to attack but I didn't care I just needed to get Lyall some help. I took my little brother off my back and carried him bridal style when they started throwing kunai and needle things at me. I was 20 metres away from the hospital when my legs gave way and I fell 5 metres away from the door to the hospital. I put Lyall on my back and tried crawling the rest of the way but after a couple centre metres I ran into legs and looked up to see to anbu with animal masks on but I didn't care I tried to keep going but they stopped me and one of them picked me up by the neck of my shirt and the other one took Lyall off my back, my eyes flickered to my wolf ones because I didn't want them to touch my little brother and I felt the ninja that was holding me stiffen a little.

"What are you doing here?" the one that was holding me asked. And I had to close my eye that got cut and grit my teeth because he shook me a little and I got a huge headache.

"My brother needs medical help...please you can kill me or do anything just make sure he gets help..." Tears welled up in my eyes and I had to bite my lip to make sure they didn't spill over. The two anbu looked at each other then nodded and the 2nd one walked inside the medical centre with Lyall and I almost hugged the guy that was holding me.

"Thank you so much" I sobbed when the tears spilled over and I went limp and everything went black...

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