I'm Back Bitches Chapter 4??

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  • Dedicated to My cousin Jesse <3 R.I.P.

Sorry i havn't uploaded in a while, i was going to last week but i found out my cousin past away so i got a bit side tracked.

So it's been 2 weeks since we got here and my brother just got out of hospital. The 3rd hokage gave us a place to stay, not far away from a ramen shop. Lyall was much better then when we first got here but he has a bit of a limp and will need a crutch for one month. I look in the mirror after getting changed, I was wearing black denim jeans that came an inch above my knee and a green cropped shirt going just above my belly button. I sighed looking at my face, where fish shit had cut me was now a scar from just above my eyebrow down to the bottom of my nose and my eye had turned a lighter green because I was now blind in that eye. My now shoulder length silver hair was messy and uneven, the black dye had been washed out a couple days ago in the shower. I was going to the hair dresser to get my hair cut so it doesn't look like a blind monkey on crack with safety scissors had cut my hair.

"Oi I'm going out I'll be back in a few hours k?" I yelled out to my brother who was on the couch flicking through the T.V channels.

"Okie dokie artichokie" He yelled back to me as I slammed the door shut. I walked past the ramen shop and was tempted to walk inside but realised I only had money for a haircut. Sigh, I'm going to have to get a job, maybe I can become a ninja and get the money. I thought while continuing my walk to the hair dressers.

********1 HOUR LATER********

I looked at my hair in a shop window for the fifth time. I had gotten a Mohawk but not a big one just cut short at the sides and a short Mohawk on top. I didn't get it coloured because I was getting sick of having black hair so I was back to my natural silver hair. Now, time to get dinner and then go home. I was walking to the ramen shop near our house with my head down, like I always did, when I bumped into someone. "Shit...sorry." I said looking up at the person I bumped into, he had scars all over his face and a leaf headband like a beanie.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Scar face said rubbing his face.

"I said I was sorry." I mumbled, shuffling my feet eager to get back to my brother. The scar faced guy stopped rubbing his face and looked at me then, in the blink of an eye, grabbed my collar.

"Err.... "I looked at him weirdly.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in this village?" he spat in my face.

"Whoa, say it don't spray in scar face." I wiped my face and rubbed it on his jacket. He pulled me closer to his face, on instinct my eyes switched to my wolf eyes and I growled. He instantly dropped me and stared wide eyed.

"What the hell are you?" He was about to reach into his weapons pack thingy when I turned my eyes back to normal.

"1: Don't touch me, ever. 2: I don't feel like telling you my name so suck it. 3: I'm aloud in this village and 4: You don't need to know what I am. Ok?" I smiled up at him like the smart ass I am then walked to the ramen shop to get dinner.

********NEXT DAY********

"So do you remember what I said little man?" I asked my brother while ruffling his hair. I was dropping him at the younger kid's part of the academy.

"Yes, I gotta raise as much hell as I can," he grinned up at me, "and don't touch my hair." He fixed his messy hair up in a nearby window. Oh god his turning into me.

"I'll see you when schools finished k?" I walked away and when he wasn't looking I ran back as fast as I could and ruffled his hair. "MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" I laughed like the biggest fucktard.

"YOU SUCK." My brother yelled out to me.

I waked down the hall way looking at the door numbers. I was not looking forward to today, I hate school and I don't have Drew to be an idiot with. My shoulders hunched, when am I gonna see Drew again, I thought sadly. I found my class room and opened it without knocking. All heads turned towards me. A guy with a green vest, a scar across his nose and his hair up smiled at me.

"You must be our new student, Flow was it? I'm Iruka sensei." he smile grew wider but I could tell it was fake. I just nodded my head.

"Stand in front of the class and tell us something about yourself." He motioned for me to stand in front of a massive black board. I looked around at everyone and they looked at me but I could tell they were actually looking at the scar across my eye.

"My names Flow and I would appreciate it if you all stopped looking at my scar." I said in a calm tone. They all moved around in their seats uncomfortably.

"Ok...any questions for Flow?" Iruka said awkwardly. A couple hands instantly went up. I looked at a chubby guy and nodded.

"Where did you come from?" he asked while stuffing his ace with chips.

"My mum." I moved my head and nodded at a guy with a dog on his head.

"Do you like dogs?" he pets the dog on his head. I instantly took a liking to both of them.

"Yeah I like all animals." I shrugged and turned my head to a kid in an orange jump suit, yellow hair and whisker like markings on his face.

"Where did you get your scar from?" I grinned at me. Hmm he seems like fun, that's not a question anyone else would ask me, I thought.

"NARUTO!!!! How could you ask a question like that?!" A girl with pink hair yelled at him.

"It's ok I don't care and I got it trying to protect someone a couple weeks ago." I looked at everyone go wide eyed at me, I rolled my eyes.

"Who were you protecting?" Naruto asked.

"My little brother Lyall." I looked out the window but couldn't see him in the playground.

"Who were the people attacking you and your little brother?" the dude with dog asked.

"Some fish looking guy names Kisame and some really weird dude that I named Frank but I can't remember his real name."

The day went by slowly, we had a test that I passed with flying colours, it was just some transformation jutsu that I learnt when I was 5. I got my leaf headband and I put it on my head where it's meant to go. My brother was so proud of me when he saw it that he insisted I had to give him a piggy back all the way home to prove my strength, which also meant i had to carry his crutches. So that was my first day of school, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

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