Chapter four

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Veronica's pov
I wake up to alarms blaring and that means theres a mission, i jump and and realise im naked so i just grab one of timurs shirts and run out towards my room, i see monika getting ready and i grab my one piece from the closet. I put it on and wrap a belt that holds my pistol and grenades. I put on my boots and run out, i run downstairs to the meeting room to see six there,

"As you all know that there has been a number of bombs planted in the presidents house i need everyone to work as a team, FBI and GSG9 attack from the front, SAS and GIGN push in from above, SPETZNAZ including Veroinca and Navy seals attack from windows, bope and JTF2 attack from underground, but i want the shields covering for everyone and I want the snipers to cover the shields from a distance"

We all nod and run into the weapons room i grab my special sniper, and some binoculars and i attached a laser to my sniper.

We run out into the jeeps and i sit with the spetznaz,

"Yeah alexsandr?"
"What were you doing in the room with Her"
"Talking." I say quickly,
"You think we'll believe that" alexsandr says,
"Yes." I manage to say,

I just sat quietly and look outside and listen to them talking in russian, then my phone rings and its my old assault group, we spoke in another language we spoke spanish and it was easy and good,

"Hello cas"
"Hi, cariño" (hi darling)
"Qué deseas" (what do you want?)
"Nothing darling we are waiting for you"
"Urgh" i shut the phone,
"Who was that" maxim asks,
"No one"
"Tell me" he says
"Dont worry."

He sighs and talks russian to the guys and i have my eyes glued to the window, maxim always looked out for me but this time i couldn't tell him. I feel bad lying but ill tell him later. When we get back, once we reach the white house we do as six told us too. We get out and me and glaz find our spots to snipe from im covering montagne his name is gilles and timur is covering elias known as blitz. I see a enemy up head and since gilles had his shield extended he couldn't shoot so i head shot him and look back at the scope for any enemies.


We have cleared the whole place and defused the bombs, as soon as we were packing to go timur comes over and i spin to loom at him and he holds me,

"I want to make it up to you" urgh his russian accent has me all over the place,
" more chance and thats it of you mess it no more"

He goes crazy and jumps around like a child, i laugh and he says,

"Get ready tomorrow at 10 am we are going out, wear comfy clothing and its going to be hot"

I smile and shake my head and we walk back to the jeeps and get in and go home.

When i get to my room, i take a nice long shower and get ready for bed, i wear shorts and a tank top and bid goodnight to monika and fall asleep.

I yawn as i open my eyes and see james and meghan in the room,

"Whats going on?" I ask
"Well james is just here for fun while me and meghan get you ready for your date with timur"
"To early"

I put the covers on me and turn around, then someone takes the covers off me and i look to see its monika i groan and sit up,


She drags me into the bathroom and thats when my pampering starts.

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