Chapter five

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Veronica's pov

Right now im in a red skin tight dress, urgh no this is so not me, i would rather be in tracksuits and all but i know how this will end and it doesnt end nice at all, i walk out and monika looks at me in awe and i just glare at her and she giggles,

"Come on V its not bad im pretty sure Timur would die for you"

I scoff and roll my eyes, i walk out to the main entrance of our HQ honestly i just want to quit but i cant.

I see Timur waiting outside and i walk towards him and grabs my hand and kisses it,

"Hello love"
"Hello Timur"

He helps me get into a car and starts driving,

"Where we going?"
"Somewhere special"
"Oh pleaseee tell me"
"Oh no love its a secret"

I huff and lean on the window of the car and look at trees passing by, how did he even manage to convince Agent six to let us go.

We come to a stop and the forest and he gets out and opens my door i give him a questioning look and he holds out his elbow and i take it and we walk into the forest, i see that its very dark and then i see a clearing and i look and see a nice little picnic set up with fairy lights,

"You did this all?"
"Well Alexsandr helped me"

I laugh and he leads me towards it, i sit down and he sits in front of me, he pouts us wine and we start drinking and eating,

"Veronica where have you been all these years?"
"Its really not important.."
"I wont push it further but i will find out, love"

Then his phone rings,
"What?....Now?....Really?.....alright im coming"
"What was that?"
"Agent six asking us to come back some terrorists took a hostage and we need to save her"

I nod and get into the jeep with him,


We are on our way towards the house the hostage is held in, it was pretty chilly since it started snowing, once we arrived i start to fix up my belt and attach my pistol, Twitch (her real name is to long y'all) throws in her Shock drone,

"Glaz and neo you both can take out the terrorists in the same room as the hostage you guys use the helicopter Platform, Gillies(Montagne) come with me" he nods, "Jordan, Elias and Taina attack from the other side and Taina(Caveira) interrogation will be helpful" she nods and they all go their own ways,

Timur and i make our way up the Helicopter Platform and break open the windows with our snipers its kinda hard to shoot because the terrorists are laying or crouching,

"Pst Timur"
"Yes moya lyubov'?" (My love in russian)
"Help me to get on top of the Helicopter"
"But love its dangerous"
"I live for danger"

I drop my sniper and wait for him to come, he drops his sniper and comes over to me, he hauls me up and passes me my sniper,

"Got visual on the terrorist" i say on the walky talky,

"Take em out" jordan says,

I shoot them all with headshots and one of them sees me and i pull the trigger and he does also he shoots me in the shoulder but he dies right after thanks to Timur, my sniper falls from the Helicopter and i fall on my knees, and i start breathing heavily, i then say to Timur,

"Help me down..."

He reaches out but i slip and he catches me and lays me down,

"Man down" he says onto the Walky talky,
"Take her back we'll finish off the rest"

He then picks me up and picks up our snipers and attaches it to his back and carrives me to a Black suv.....

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