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"My greatest fear is losing you."

The boggart emerged from the cupboard and began to transfigure into a new form. Suddenly Dan found himself coming face to face with Phil. Dan knew it wasn't the real Phil and yet he saw the same blue eyes mixed with green and flecks of yellow. The same black hair, patterned socks that don't match, and features belonging to his best friend standing a mere 20 centimetres away from him. The boggart spoke, using Phil's voice, 'You're pathetic Daniel. Do you honestly think I could like a Slytherin? Much less, love someone like you?' Phil's accent was evident and yet his voice was twisted and lined with loathing and disgust. Hatred even. Phil laughed, a loud mocking and dark sound. 'Never. I will never love you. Quite frankly I wouldn't care if you weren't alive at all/ceased to exist. At least then you wouldn't stalk me constantly.'
Dan felt sick and hollow. 'R-Riddikulus,' said Dan shakily.
'Oh no. Poor Daniel. Did I break your heart, bear,' came Phil's unpitiful voice as he spat the last word. Dan felt sweat roll down his forehead as tears stung behind his eyes. 'Riddikulus!' Shouted Dan before his legs buckled underneath him and he broke down with hot tears streaming down his face. The boggart which had been impersonating Phil was gone and Dan felt a hand resting on his shoulder. 'That's quite enough for today.. Does Phil know?' Dan turned to face Lupin, 'know what?'
'That you love him,' answered Lupin softly. Dan looked at the ground willing for it to make him sink and disappear. Lupin sighed, 'Don't keep all your emotions bottled up, Dan. You're going to have to spill them eventually or you'll damage yourself.'
Dan nodded solemnly. 'Thank you professor,' he murmured before quietly
leaving without looking back.


Dan could hardly see- every room was either dimly lit or pitch black. Darkness swelled around him as he tried to adjust to the lack of light. 'Never will I love you.. Never.' Voices spoke from the pits of black and Dan found himself once again seeing the boggart disguised as Phil. Dan tried to say riddikulus and yet he couldn't seem to speak. 'Never,' came the whispered voice again. Dan turned to look for the boggart but found nothing. He heard a scream. Phil. Dan ran towards the sound but when he came to the source there was silence. Dan saw Phil and took a step towards him but as he did so Phil looked away and vanished. Dan was left alone in the darkness until the voices returned. 'You're too late. He's left you.'
'Dan? I'm here.' Dan felt relief rush through him as he turned to see Phil standing there. Not a boggart. Phil. Dan hugged Phil, nearly jumping back from the coldness beneath his fingertips. He looked up at his friend, only to see that Phil's once bright blue eyes had been drained of all colour. Dan let out a silent cry.

'Dan? Are you alright?' Dan rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the light. 'Tyler?' Dan's vision became focused and he saw Tyler Oakley, a fellow Slytherin, sitting up right on the bed across from his. 'Yeah. Are you alright? You were talking in your sleep. Screaming, actually,' stated Tyler giving him a concerned look.
'I'm fine, just a nightmare,' Dan replied. Tyler nodded, 'there's a sleeping draft in the cupboard if you need it.'
'Ok,' Dan answered while Tyler looked at him sympathetically before he lay down and shortly after fell asleep.
Dan, however, couldn't sleep. All he could think about were his black hair and his blue eyes.
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Hey, so I hope this one was ok. There's probably a lot of mistakes so I apologise for that.  If you haven't read Harry Potter (muggle, you should read it right now,) you're probably a bit confused. Boggarts take on the form of a person's deepest fear. So for this Dan's fear is losing Phil. Whether it's Phil leaving him, dying, or not being his friend.
I got the idea for this from the edit shown above^^
Lupin is in fact Remus Lupin. Because you know, I just felt like attacking Potterheads with pheels
(creds to J.K Rowling for the character Remus Lupin. Thanks to her and
Dan & Phil for being phantabulous)

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